

時間:2024-02-15 18:10:10 英語作文 我要投稿




學英語作文 篇1

  On national day, I, mother, Pan Luyao, and Sun Yichao to play in Jinhua.

  We went to dream Valley, also went to the underground river, to a lot of places, there can be a lot of fun, until October 5th, we go home to be reluctant to part, that night at home have 10 points. I bought a lot of gifts, Pan Luyao, Sun Yichao, father, brother and mother. October 1st is mother's birthday, I wish the motherland mother happy birthday!

學英語作文 篇2

  New winter vacation started, I'm going to write a plan, to perfect planning my winter vacation plan is as follows:

  1. Learning. In the winter vacation to learn is the most important, I'm going to borrow sister book1&book 2, grade five Chinese books and math books, recite need to recite the text every day and read a passage, master a mathematical formula to spell the English word again, study time less than one and a half hours a day.

  2. Game. Of course also cannot learn too long, want to have the appropriate time to play, loosen body and mind. To do to learn for a while, I play for a while, game time no more than 2 hours a day.

  3. Sleep. According to experts, two-thirds of the national primary and secondary school students sleep time is not up to standard. 23.5% of the primary and middle school students is difficult to fall asleep at night. According to the survey, in the primary school students sleep ten hours a day and more than 33.4%, junior high school students can sleep nine hours every day and more than a total of 22.9%. Niche in the ministry of education of sleep time had a clear rules: elementary school students should be more than nine hours of sleep, junior middle school students should reach 9 hours, high school students sleep 8 hours to achieve, in accordance with the provisions of this, about two-thirds of the elementary school students in China and the insufficient three-quarters of junior high school students sleep time. So, I want to 8:00 in the evening to sleep, get up at 6 PM.

  I want to do more things, fully perfect spend my winter vacation.


  1.學習. 寒假里要有學習才是最重要的,我打算借姐姐的五年級下冊的語文書與數(shù)學書,每天背誦需要背誦的課文并讀一篇課文,掌握一個數(shù)學公式,拼讀一遍英語單詞,每天學習時間不超過一個半小時。

  2.游戲. 當然也不能學習太久,要有適當?shù)臅r間游戲,放松身心。我要做到學一會兒,玩一會,每天游戲的時間不超過2小時。

  3.睡眠. 據(jù)專家統(tǒng)計,全國三分之二的中小學生睡眠時間不達標。 23.5%的中小學生晚上難入睡。調(diào)查顯示,小學生中每天睡足10小時及以上的為33.4%,初中生每天能睡足9個小時及以上的共有22.9%。教育部對中小生睡眠時間曾經(jīng)有明確的`規(guī)定:小學生的睡眠時間應(yīng)該要超過9個小時,初中生應(yīng)該達到9個小時,高中生的睡眠時間要達到8個小時,按照這樣的規(guī)定,我國約有2/3的小學生和3/4的初中生睡眠時間嚴重不足。因此,我要晚上8:00入睡,早上6:00起床。


學英語作文 篇3

  The Twoay Weekend

  Generally speaking, twoay weekends are not only a time for us college students to relax, but also a time to improve ourselves. To test from a week’s hard work, we have plenty of recreation opportunities. We can read to our hearts’ content, can go sightseeing, and can play games with our friends. Some students find partime jobs at weekends so that they can ease their families’ financial burdens.

  However, some students are just wasting their time. Some spend their time playing cards, and even drinking and eating with their friends. Some spend the whole weekend going traveling and feel tired when they return to school, so that their studies will be greatly affected.

  As a student, I think the first thing I should do is to go over the lessons. Spending two or three hours in going over lessons every weekend will give me great returns. After finishing my schoolwork, I can do many other things, for example, mountain climbing, watching films and skating. In short, if we plan well, we can achieve a bit on weekends. Otherwise, we’ll get nothing.

學英語作文 篇4

  water is very important for us.

  we must drink water everyday. we can’t live without water. water is everywhere around us. at home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on.

  at work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. we also can swim in the sea.

  water is important for us, isn’t it?

學英語作文 篇5

  One day thirty years ago Marseilles lay in the burning sun. A blazing sun upon a fierce August day was no greater rarity in southern France then than at any other time before or since. Everything in Marseilles and about Marseilles had stared at the fervid sun, and been stared at in return, until a staring habit had become universal there. Strangers were stared out of countenance by staring white houses, staring white streets, staring tracts of arid road, staring hills from which verdure was burnt away. The only things to be seen not fixedly staring and glaring were the vines drooping under their loads of grapes. These did occasionally wink a little,as the hot air barely moved their faint leaves.

  The universal stare made the eyes ache. Towards the distant blue of the Italian coast, indeed, it was a little relieved by light clouds of mist slowly rising from the evaporation of the sea, but it softened nowhere else. Far away the staring roads, deep in dust, stared from the hillside, stared from the hollow, stared fi'om the interminable plain. Far away the dusty vines overhanging wayside cottages, and the monotonous wayside avenues of parched trees without shade,dropped beneath the stare of earth and sky. So did the horse with drowsy bells, in long files of carts, creeping slowly towards the interior; so did their recumbent drivers, when they were awake, which rarely happened; so did the exhausted laborers in the fields. Everything that lived or grew was oppressed by the glare: except the lizard, passing swiftly over rough stone walls,and cicada, chirping its dry hot chirp, like a rattle. The very dust was scorched brown, and something quivered in the atmosphere as if the air itself were panting.

  Blinds, shutters, curtains, awnings, were all closed and drawn to keep out the stare. Grant it but a chink or a keyhole,and it shot in like a whitehot arrow.

學英語作文 篇6

  In your opinion,the mobile phone has made life easier.State your viewpoint and give reasons.

  I am of the opinion that the mobile phone has made our life much easier.Firstly,communication is made a lot easier with the advent of the mobile phone.A mobile phone is carried all over the places with us in pockets,attached to the belt or in handbags.

  Some even walk around with mobile phones in their hands.This will make it easy for everyone to contact us no matter where we are as long there is signal for the telecommunication service.We never have to worry about not being able to contact anyone.This is the first convinence we enjoy with a mobile phone.Secondly,short messaging service or in short SMS is a www.enzuowen.netpopular feature for mobile phones.Most mobile phone users send SMS regularly to friends,passing short messages,important data,greetings and jokes.

  This helps to strengthen their relationship with better communication.For professional purposes vital data can be sent without a fuss to the recipient or a co-worker who is out of the office.Previously,we would have to look for a fax machine to do the same task.That is a big hassle.Moreover sending SMS is cheap,hence the popularity is understandable.Finally,with sophisticated technology,mobile phones can be used to access the Internet,watch television pro grammes,listen to music,play games,join contests,check on cinema and restaurant listing,check on traffic summonses,confirm university acceptance and send image messaging service.

  Many features will be available as technology improves further.Therefore,I believe a mobile phone has brought innumerable convinence and ease to us.

學英語作文 篇7

  In recent years, Sinology, the study of Chinese traditional culture, literature, history, society etc, has become increasingly popular For instance, it is reported that many primary and secondary schools have set up courses of sinology, in which students are taught classical works by Chinese ancient educators and philosophers, like Confucius- Another good illustration is in the program CCTV Lecture Room famous scholars, e.g, Yu Dan, give lectures on Chinese ancient philosophies and literatures.

  Sinology becomes prevalent due to the fact that it is of vital significance for both the individuals and the society. For one thing, Sinology is the essence of Chinese civilization with more than 5,000 years. Thus, for individuals, they can enlarge their scope of knowledge, enrich their experience and adapt themselves to the complicated society. For another, it is acknowledged that the rehabilitation of Sinology can contribute to the establishment of a harmonious society.

  In my opinion, all Chinese people should inherit the merits of Sinology. To do so, we can read books by ourselves or to attend lectures on this issue. Besides, we have the gation to popularize introducing it to the world By doing so, we can not only inherit it but also make it glorious and prosperous.










