


時間:2023-02-23 12:46:46 作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  The skiing,or traveling over snow on skis,the has a history of almost five millennia.Although modern skiing has evolved from beginnings in Scandinavia,it may have been practised as early as 600 BC in Daxing'anling,in what is now China.

  Originally purely the utilitarian,starting in the mid-1800s skiing became a popular recreational activity and sport,being practised around the world,and providing crucial economic support to purpose-built ski resorts and communities

  The oldest and most accurately documented evidence of skiing origins is found in modern day Norway and Sweden.The earliest primitive carvings circa 5000 B.C.depict a skier with one pole,located in Rdy in the Nordland region of Norway.The first primitive ski was found in a peat bog in Hoting,Sweden which dates back to 4500 or 2500 B.C.

  Skiing is a recreational activity and competitive sport in which the participant attaches long runners or skis to boots or shoes on the feet and uses them to travel on top of snow.Aside from recreation and competition,skiing has been used for military purposes and even travelling in areas that experience heavy snowfall.Many types of competitive skiing events are recognized by the International Olympic Committee,and the International Ski Federation.

英文作文 篇2

  Recently, I have finished reading Great Expectations, which is widely considered as the

  masterpiece of Dickens. The historic background of this book is Victorian Period which was the time when British was governed by Queen Victoria. The hero of the book is Pip, who was living in a blacksmith family. Someday, he met Magwitch, who was a convict, and he helped him. To show his gratitude, Magwitch gave Pip a good fortune and Pip led a totally different life after he got the money. However, Pip lost all of his money and fame because of his enemies’ plot at the last and become ordinary people at the last.

  Dickens is famous for his novel such as Great Expectations, the Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist and so on. He always creates some people in lower class and show their different qualities. In Great Expectations, he tried to show us the conflict between different classes in Victorian

  Period by telling us the story of Pip. After Pip got the money, he left his friends and family to city, and then he learned to raise his social state. However, he was a child born in a blacksmith family and there’s a wide gap between him and the upper class. Finally, he lost all of his great

  expectations and went back to his hometown as ordinary people. Fortunately, he met his lover, Estella, in Satis House and they left there together at the end of the story.

  In the book, my favorite character is Joe, Pip’s brother in law. He was a blacksmith and belonged to the lower social class. However, he possessed some good qualities that made him noble. For example, though Joe didn’t know any word, he thought highly of Pip when Pip tried to write him a letter. What’s more, Pip’s sister always considered Pip as the burden of their family but Joe always believed that his brother can become successful. No matter how unkindly he was treated, Joe was always family to others. Undoubtedly, it’s Joe’s noble quality that prevents Pip from becoming someone snobbish.

  In my opinion, the story of Pip is really attractive while the writing style is also special. For example, Dickens used simile and metaphor for many times in his book. When Joe visited Pip, Dickens wrote that Joe had taken his hat as a bird’s nest with egg in. I think it’s hard to show the inner world of characters as well as feeling because those things are really abstract. On the other hand, if we write it directly, that may be boring and childish. And by using simile, Dickens transforms the abstract feeling into visual language, with which we can use our imagination to enjoy the story much more easily. I think that we can also make good use of Dickens’s outstanding skills to improve our writing.

  After reading “Great Expectations”, many people complained that the class difference will always result in tragedy and they think that we should try to destroy those barriers. However, I think the massage that Dickens wants to deliver is that we should always be friendly,

  warm-hearted and optimistic. With these qualities, we can always lead a happy and comfortable life like Joe even though we don’t have much money.

英文作文 篇3

  Everything on the canvas is flowing, enthusiastic, lively and violent: the sky was occupied with swirling clouds in violet haze and dotted with tens of thousands of flaming stars that brightly blazed in gorgeous gold. A huge cypress cut the subtle flowing of clouds in silence, brown and stretched, bringing a unique elegance of balance to the whole painting. Few clumsy cabins scattered in the open field, strangely in harmony with the turbulently flowing sky. Hazily, the shadows on the hills outlined the turquoise trees and amber grains, bathed in dim moonlight.

  Generally, the perfect artworks born under Vincent van Gogh’s hand annotated a new meaning of harmony. Its pureness was based on its complexity, its grace reflected by its clumsiness, its plainness embodied in its glory, its tempestuous flowing leading to a sense of solidity. Marvelous!

  Starry Starry Night, a magnificent masterpiece, surely and absolutely.


  本文以優(yōu)美的語言描寫了梵高的名畫——Starry Starry Night,表現(xiàn)了作者良好的語言表達能力和一定的藝術(shù)鑒賞水準。作者為我們展開了一幅畫卷,文章的第一句話點明了整幅畫的特點:Everythlne on the canvas is flowine。天空中布滿了紫色的云彩和金色的閃爍星星。一棵巨大的樹將浮動的云一分為二,使整個畫面處于平衡狀態(tài)?盏厣戏稚⒌膸组g小屋與浮云流動的`天空保持著奇怪的和諧。山坡上的影子勾勒出青蔥的樹木,琥珀色的谷物沐浴在月光下。



英文作文 篇4

  Since a warmhearted foreign man told me how to make a sandwich which is a kind of western food, I began to try to make and taste the sandwich which was very new to me. The first day , I got up earlier than usual, not to do exercise outside as usual , just spending my precious time making the sandwich carefully and slowly. During the process , I followed strictly by all of procedures he had taught me . I thought that the operation was seriously complicated . The second day, in order to save time , one of the means was lessened, so the sandwichdidn'tinclude lettuce. The third day, the cheese wasn't included . The fourth day , the bread was replaced by a steamed bun. One week later, I gave up thoroughly creating and eating the strange food to me, just tasting noodles which are a simple style of breakfast.

  From that, I have been used to eating traditional food for a long time, my life style can't be changed easily, in the other words , it wasn't easily displaced by the new kind of food immediately.

  The food was a token of culture. The modern world was full of culture shock . How to melt peacefully all types of cultures is still a challenge for the people of the globe now.

英文作文 篇5




  My View on the Income Gap

  Now the income gap is getting wider and wider. In some privately owned firms, joint-ventures, or foreign-fund companies, an executive's yearly income is ten times or even a hundred times as much as an ordinary worker's.

  Faced with this situation, people will undoubtedly have different opinions. Some believe that it benefits the social and economic development since driving force is often derived from the gap. In other words, the gap inspires people and gives a push to advancement. Others speak of its side effect: income gap is often the root of social unrest and also contrary to our country's principle.

  From my point of view, while it is true that the income gap may stimulate the social development to some extent, it causes trouble as well. An income gap that is too wide for most people to bear can neither contribute to the stability of a country nor promote its economic development. Therefore, while we are advocating the rapid development of our country, we should tolerate the narrow income gap but narrow the wide one.