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  請不要破壞生物鏈英語作文 1


  In the science class, the science teacher told us that we cant hunt animals at will, because every creature is related to many creatures. There used to be a country that hunted wolves. After that, there were few wolves left, but the situation did not get better. Because of the large-scale reproduction of cattle and sheep, there was not enough grass on the grassland, which became another disaster.


  If mosquitoes, flies When some pests are eliminated, they will endanger beneficial insects. Why is it called beneficial insects? Most of it is because it can kill pests. If the pests are wiped out, all the beneficial insects will starve to death. It is also possible that they will become more powerful pests because of the food. Isnt it impossible that pandas used to eat meat? Why is it now vegetarian? Its because the biological chain has been destroyed by others.


  If you dont want those beneficial insects who have made a lot of contributions to us to starve to death and dont want them to become pests that people are afraid of, then you should start from yourself and dont hurt small animals at ordinary times, which is within our power.


  I hope there will be no more extinction in the animal world in the future. Lets make a harmonious public with the magical animal world. Animals have made such a great contribution to us. We should also take good care of animals and let the creatures on the earth live in harmony.

  請不要破壞生物鏈英語作文 2


  In the vast universe, there is a beautiful planet. The reason why it looks so beautiful is that the complex and diverse biological chain makes it full of vitality and strength. But if our biological chain is destroyed, can we find this beautiful planet in this endless universe?


  From ancient times to the present, all living things in the world are interdependent and exist together. Therefore, in 1927, British zoologist Elton first proposed the term "biological chain". What is the biological chain? Generally speaking, it is an interdependent chain relationship formed by animals, plants and microorganisms providing food for each other. This is called the biological chain in ecology.


  The destruction of the biological chain, first of all, is due to its natural causes. For example, if a toxic substance is absorbed by the grass, although the concentration of the toxic substance is very low and does not affect the growth of the grass, it is difficult for the rabbit to excrete the toxic substance after eating the grass. When it often eats the grass, the toxic substance will gradually accumulate in its body, while when the eagle eats a large number of rabbits, the toxic substance will further accumulate in its body. Therefore, the food chain has the effect of accumulation and amplification.


  The extinction of the American national bird, the bald eagle, is not caused by human killing, but because the harmful chemical DDT is gradually accumulated in its body, resulting in the laying of eggs are soft shells, unable to hatch.


  It can be seen that the extinction of a species will destroy the balance of the ecosystem and lead to the change of the number of species, so the food chain has a very important impact on the environment.


  The destruction of the biological chain is also due to human participation. Perhaps, in many peoples minds, all our actions are to protect those animals. However, some inappropriate actions have the opposite effect of "more help more help". What the Americans did in the Kaiba plateau in 1907 is a good example. You may have seen that Mr. Jiang Rong, the author of wolf totem, almost uses his own experience to tell the story of man and wolf, wolf and herbivore, animal and grassland about how the ancient Mongolian grassland biological chain was destroyed by mans greed and desire, mans ignorance and arbitrariness one by one. And this is also an undeniable reality. Human beings hunt animals and destroy living things for their own selfish heart, which leads to the destruction of the biological chain.


  To sum up, the destruction of the biological chain is due to its natural causes, as well as the arbitrary participation of human beings.

  請不要破壞生物鏈英語作文 3


  When you walk between tall buildings, when you are intoxicated by the colorful neon lights, when you walk in the crowd, you may not even think that there is another world outside this beautiful and prosperous city - the desert stretching its limbs.


  Beautiful nature is the place where people and animals live, but how many animals and plants have been destroyed by some people for their own benefit! At the end of the day, Im still hurting myself. Pencil, paper They are all made of trees; we can recycle the waste and make pencils and paper from the waste. We cant throw away waste batteries because they contain poison. We need to know: "a button sized waste battery can pollute 600000 liters of water, which is equivalent to a persons lifetime water consumption!"


  Man! Please put down the blood drinking glass, dont regard animals as the delicacy on your plate and the plaything in the cage, dont cut down trees for your own benefit, lets start from every bit of life, protect animals, plants, nature and our common home!










