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2009年12月1日 親愛的愛瑪老師, 沒有,菲比沒有讓我聯(lián)想到任何人。像她這樣的很難與之相處。 羅伊先生(黛西的朋友)要去外地,托黛西照看他的狗,所以狗狗必須跟著黛西一起上學(xué)。 結(jié)尾很好笑。狗狗每隔半個(gè)小時(shí)應(yīng)該被喂一片鋅片,但羅伊先生忘記告訴黛西了。當(dāng)躲在柜子里的狗狗被發(fā)現(xiàn)時(shí),黛西和朋友們以為大禍臨頭了,因?yàn)閷W(xué)校不許學(xué)生帶毛茸茸的動物上學(xué)。但盡管菲比的媽媽對著副校長大喊大叫,副校長卻不能處罰黛西他們,因?yàn)樗麄儧]有違反任何校規(guī) --- 因?yàn)樘脹]有吃鋅片,狗狗身上的毛掉光了,它不再是毛茸茸的動物了。 我剛讀完西摩-西蒙寫的《你看到了,你又看不到了 – 神奇的光學(xué)假象》。  我非常喜歡這本書,尤其是書里所有的光學(xué)幻象的照片。有一些照片太古怪了,讓我忍不住發(fā)笑。我最喜歡的照片是:從一個(gè)角度你看到一個(gè)女孩,換個(gè)角度看是個(gè)女巫。 我現(xiàn)在在讀派屈克-卡門的《阿瑟頓:火河》。這本書充滿懸念,特別好看。它是關(guān)于塞穆爾,伊薩貝爾,埃德加,文森特和肯可先生尋找哈丁博士(阿瑟頓的創(chuàng)造者)的故事。 哈丁博士其實(shí)就是菲尼斯勛爵 , 阿瑟頓兇殘的統(tǒng)治者。哈丁博士的理智鎖在菲尼斯勛爵頭腦里了,但肯可先生把他解救了出來。 我剛讀完特里-普拉特所著的《只有你才能救人類》。這本書講述一個(gè)叫約翰的男孩玩一款“只有你才能救人類”的電腦游戲。游戲里邊有外星人,你應(yīng)該向他們射擊,殺了他們。但當(dāng)約翰玩到最高級別時(shí),外星人向他投降了,他有了個(gè)新任務(wù):帶領(lǐng)外星人逃亡,越過游戲的界面,進(jìn)入真實(shí)的世界。 我認(rèn)為外星人的首領(lǐng)很聰明。她看到外星人跟人類打仗時(shí)所遭遇的一切,于是決定投降。如果他們投降的話,她的戰(zhàn)士們有可能活下來,但如果繼續(xù)抵抗,每個(gè)外星人都會死亡。   您的學(xué)生,   冰 *** 2009年12月7日 親愛的冰, 看來最近你讀了很多好書啊。特里-普拉特的《只有你才能救人類》看上去是一個(gè)每個(gè)男孩都希望發(fā)生在自己身上的科幻故事:玩電腦游戲,讓游戲變成真的,然后拯救世界。 外星人肯定愛約翰。 他就像他們的救世主一樣。他把他們帶回安全地帶。 這本書怎么看待戰(zhàn)爭和打仗的?約翰學(xué)到了什么道理?   真誠的,   愛瑪老師 *** 12/1/2009 Dear Ms. Emma, No, Fibby doesn’t remind me of anybody. They are hard to be around.  The dog had to come to school because Mr. Roy, Daisy’s friend, needed to go somewhere and she had to take care of Wheezy, the dog.  The ending was very funny.  They were supposed to give Wheezy zinc pills every half an hour, but Mr. Roy forgot to mention it to Daisy.  When Wheezy was caught inside Daisy’s locker, they all thought they were doomed, because of the NFA (No Furry Animals) rule.  But even though Ulna (Fibby’s mother) was yelling and screaming at assistant principal Snout, he couldn’t do anything, because they actually hadn’t broken the rule – Wheezy’s fur all fell out already, since he hadn’t taken zinc pills for so long. I just finished Now You See It, Now You Don’t: The Amazing World of Optical Illusions, by Seymour Simon. I really like the book, and all the pictures of optical illusions inside it.  Some are so weird that it makes me laugh.  My favorite picture is a girl or an old witch, depending how you look at it. I am reading Atherton: Rivers of Fire, by Patrick Carman.  The book is full of suspense, which makes it very good.  It is about Samuel, Isabel, Edgar, Vincent, and Dr. Kincaid, finding Dr. Harding, the creator of Atherton. Dr. Harding was actually Lord Phineus, who was the cruel ruler of Atherton.  Dr. Harding had locked his mind inside of Lord Phineus, but Dr. Kincaid unlocked Dr. Harding’s mind. I just finished Only You Can Save Mankind, by Terry Pratchett.  It is about a boy named Johnny Maxwell who is playing a computer game called Only You Can Save Mankind.  Inside the game, there are aliens, whom you are supposed to shoot and kill.  But when Johnny reaches the last level, the aliens surrendered to him, and so he had a new task – to try to lead the ScreeWee alien fleet past the Border from game space into real space. I think the Captain is pretty smart.  She saw everything that happened to the aliens who tried to fight the humans, so she decided to surrender.  If she surrendered, some of her fleet might be able to make it, but if she fought, everyone would die.   Sincerely,   Ben *** 12/7/2009 Dear Ben, Looks like you have been reading a lot of great books lately. Only You Can Save Mankind by Terry Pratchett seems like a science fiction book every boy wishes would happen to him: play a computer game, have it become real, and try to save the world. The ScreeWee must love Johnny.  He’s like their savior.  He has come to lead them back to safety. What does your book say about war and fighting?  What is a lesson that Johnny learned? Sincerely, Ms. Emma










