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題 目 交互式設計:

學 院

專 業(yè)

班 級

學 生 學 號



INTERACTION DESIGN: Industrial Design in the Information Age

Elaine Ann

Director, Kaizor Innovation

Abstract: This paper introduces a newly developed discipline in the U.S. and Europe: Interaction Design. As we enter the Information Age, products are no longer only electrical and mechanical, but also include computing and networked capability. Designing products highly interactive in nature becomes much more complex than before going beyond the traditional realm

of Industrial Design. Moreover, the fundamental definition of

requires a fundamental shift in thinking as well as new work methods. How people interact with

products, systems or environments and its social and cultural impact is what Interaction Design is

concerned about.

Keywords: Interaction design, user experience, networked products, interdisciplinary, industrial design.

1 Introduction

Traditional products are mechanical and electrical like toasters, shavers, walkmans etc. With

today's increased computing power, miniaturized chips and the advent of the Internet, this

drastically alters the meaning of traditional products. Industrial Design has always dealt with how

people interact with things, designing for a product's form factor, ergonomics, psychonomics etc.

Computing and networked products introduces a new dimension of interactivity beyond with its

physical form, but extends to the digital arena. Now that most products are embedded computing

with complex interaction, what should industrial designers design in the information and digital

age? How should industrial designers innovate for these new breeds of products?

2 Product nature redefined in the Information Age

2.1 Products are software driven

Traditional products are mainly physical in nature and design constrains are governed by

principles of physics and mechanics. Today, many products are in fact microcomputers in

disguise with computing capability storing more than 40GBs of digital information and ever

increasing processing speed. Products become hybrid in nature with both hardware and

software components. For example: traditional walkmans have evolved into digital MP3 music

players, mechanical cameras into digital cameras, cordless phones into cellular phones etc.

What defines a product is not so much dependent on the hardware when a products' function

resides more in its software capability. (Figure 1)

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2.2 Products are networked

Moreover, with the advent of the Internet, products can be networked and digital information

stored in products can be transferred and shared. Examples of such are sending SMS messages

between cellular phones, syncing contact information from a PDA to the desktop computer and

downloading music from the web to an MP3 player. Products are no longer standalone objects

but systems of highly dependent interacting components. As one of the prominent industrial

design events in the U.S. IDSA DesignAbout: Interactive Edges summarizes:

think about products as isolated objects that are designed, produced and inserted into people's

lives, nor can we think about products consisting of hardware design and software design.

Hardware and software need to become one, and products need to be thought of as part of a

bigger system of objects and spaces.

3 What is Interaction Design?

The field of Interaction Design is at its early infancy and has only been around for the past

decade or so. Since the birth of computing, designing computing systems has mainly been the

role of software engineers. Parallel to the field of architecture, civil engineers focus on designing

the structure of the building while architects design how people live within that structure; in the

world of computing, software engineers ensures the robustness of the software while interaction

designers design how people interact with computing systems and products,

The concept of computers used to be desktop computing, however as technology advances,

computers evolve beyond the desktop PC and permeates into every aspect of our lives.

Computers take the shape and form of everyday consumer electronic appliances such as MP3

players, car navigation systems to internet fridges. Thus the notion of designing for computer


field of Industrial Design. The term

IDEO and it describes the design of the behavior of products, its task flow and structure of

information, making technology usable, understandable and pleasant for people to use. As Irene

McAra-McWilliam, a forerunner of the interaction design field describes,

have to understand people, how they experience things, how they themselves interact, and how

they learn.

4 Relationship between Industrial Design and Interaction Design

As products nature evolves, so does the role of its creators. Industrial designers' role in product

development has been designing the form factor and ergonomics of objects. A design project

usually starts with a design brief of mechanisms and electronics required of the product design.

And the industrial designer generates different physical form factors and styles suitable for the

user and target market.

Much of this is changing with the emerging new types of hybrid-networked products. First, with

software as an integral part of the products' user experience, industrial designers can no longer

design the hardware independent of the software experience. A button pushed on the hardware

can trigger a screen display and without close integration between hardware and software design,

the user's experience will be a frustrating one. Secondly, skills required of designers today are

beyond form making. The challenge that many corporations are facing is not what technology can

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do, but what technology should do. Designers' creativity can be expanded to more strategic roles

in redefining what these new product typologies should be and envision how people should

experience them.

A well illustrated example that Industrial Designers cannot design a product separately from its

interface and context of use is the public kiosks at the Amsterdam Airport (Figure 2). The kiosk

allows travelers at the airport to write email as well as access Internet information. It is composed

of two parts, a touch screen input interface at waist level and a large public screen above the

head. Such design did not consider the privacy aspect of the email activity as information entered

on the small screen also projects to the public on the large screen above. A touch screen

interface for entering email is also very cumbersome as the screen calibration of the virtual

keyboard misaligns and allows for errors in typing.

5 New Ways of Thinking and Working

A paradigm shift of product nature requires new ways of thinking and working. Software driven

and networked products adds complexity to product development and the old way of assigning

software functions to hard buttons after a product's physical form is complete will guarantee an

incoherent experience. Industrial designers need to consider the user experience as a whole

beyond a product's physical form. In addition, industrial designers also need to think beyond

designing standalone objects and consider systems of interdependent products.

To innovate for new products, Industrial Designers need to consider shifting the focus of

designing aesthetically pleasing objects to first understanding people's behaviors and needs. By

adopting a designer-researcher role to uncovering these latent needs can designers be inspired

to innovate based on experiences with real people.

With added complexity to products, it is necessary for industrial designers to break away from the

traditional notion of designing for hardware products and cross boundaries to work with

interdisciplinary teams of interaction designers, software engineers etc. This can help ensure a

more coherent user experience integrating hardware, software and distributed systems design. .


[1] Schmidt, A.

[2] Walker, A.

[3] Norman, D. The Invisible Computer: Why Good Products Can Fail, the Personal Computer Is

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[4] Preece, Rogers, Sharp. Interaction Design: beyond human-computer interaction. John Wiley

and Sons Inc., 2002

[5] Alben, L.

[6] Alben, L.

Interactions, May 1996.

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Journal of American Chemical Society, 2006, 128(7): 2421-2425.




摘 要 這篇論文介紹的是發(fā)端于歐美的一種新的設計學科:交互式設計。當我們進入信息時代,產(chǎn)品不再僅僅囿于電子產(chǎn)品和機械制品,還包括計算機和網(wǎng)絡設計。自然界中高度交互式的產(chǎn)品設計要比以前傳統(tǒng)的工業(yè)設計形式復雜得多。此外,“產(chǎn)品”的基本定義正在接受挑戰(zhàn),而且這種定義需要根本性的改變,已形成一種新的設計方式。交互設計所關注的是人是怎樣與產(chǎn)品、系統(tǒng)、環(huán)境以及社會文化因素相互影響的。

關鍵詞 交互設計、用戶體驗、網(wǎng)絡產(chǎn)品、跨學科、工業(yè)設計

1 簡介


2. 產(chǎn)品的本質在信息時代得以重新闡釋

2.1 產(chǎn)品由軟件驅動


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2.2 產(chǎn)品具有網(wǎng)絡性質


3. 交互式設計是什么


過去,計算機的概念就是臺式電腦,然而隨著技術的進步,計算機發(fā)生了演變,它已經(jīng)不僅指個人臺式電腦而是滲入到了我們生活的方方面面。消費者的日常電子用品,例如:MP3,汽車導航系統(tǒng)以及可聯(lián)網(wǎng)的電冰箱,都是計算機在日常生活中所表現(xiàn)出來的形式。這樣只為計算機屏幕“界面”而設計的概念已不再足夠了。就這一點而言,交互設計跨越了工業(yè)設計的領域!敖换ァ边@個詞最初由IDEO的創(chuàng)始人比爾·莫里扎創(chuàng)造,它是用來描述產(chǎn)品的行為設計、任務流和信息結構的,它使技術得以應用、理解并且讓人們快樂地使用使用它們。一名交互設計領域的先驅艾琳·麥卡拉-麥克威廉說:“交互設計師必須要理解人,理解人們做事、交流、學習的方式! 4. 工業(yè)設計和交互式設計的關系




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【2】 沃克,A.“交互,反映與體驗:設計的新招牌” 藍圖,2001年8月

【3】 諾曼,D.《隱形電腦:為什么好的產(chǎn)品會失敗,個人電腦是如此的復雜?信息家電

才是解決方法》 麻省理工學院出版社(再版),1999年

【4】 普瑞斯,羅杰斯和夏普 《交互式設計:超越人機交互》約翰威利和父子公司,2002

【5】 阿爾本,L.“處于交互設計的核心” 設計管理日志,1997年夏

【6】 阿爾本,L.“體驗的品質:為有效交互設計制定標準” 交互,1996年5月

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