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Part I Listening Comprehension ( 29 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.


A) She wants to surf the Internet.

B) She asks him to help with the photo uploading.

C) She wants to do her school project.

D) She asks him to take photos by digital camera for her.

Script: Woman: Hi, Bob, can you help me with my new website? I am trying to upload some photos but there’s something wrong.

Man: I guess. But not for long. I am really busy on my school project. What do you want me to do?

Question: What does the woman ask the man to do?

正確答案: B


A) He had a traffic jam.

B) He got up late.

C) He had a flat tyre.

D) He forgot about the meeting.

Script: Woman: Why are you so late? I have been waiting for you for a while.

Man: I am so sorry. The traffic is all right but I have got a flat tyre.

Question: Why was the man late?

正確答案: C


A) Computer and Internet.

B) How to use Internet to find project information.

C) Basic things about computer.

D) Online safety.

Script: Woman: Look, let’s get this project organized. We have to decide who is going to do what.

Man: Well, our topic is basically about online safety, isn’t it? I guess that includes obvious things like giving out personal information and meeting strangers when you don’t know who they really are.

Question: What is the topic of the project?

正確答案: D


A) Her father should not do any exercise.

B) Her father should do exercise every day.

C) Her father should do some mild sports.

D) Her father should do little exercises.

Script: Woman: My father says he wants to start doing more exercises to keep his blood pressure down.

Man: That’s good. Avoid those competitive and demanding sports, though. Jogging or hiking may be good.

Question: What is the man’s suggestion?

正確答案: C


A) At home.

B) In a library.

C) In an open market.

D) In a department store.

Script: Woman: If you are looking to buy a digital camera, then we have three very good models at different prices.

Man: Ok, can I have a look at that one near the window?

Question: Where are the two speakers?

正確答案: D

Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Script: Woman: I think my husband is going through a mid-life crisis.

Man: What makes you think that?

Woman: He just traded in his car for a very expensive sports car, and he’s filling the house with gym equipment.

Man: Uh oh, that’s a bad sign. Do you know what may have triggered this?

Woman: I’m not sure, but he was passed over for a promotion at work a couple of months ago, and his new boss is 15 years younger than he is.

Man: That would do it.

Woman: What really worries me is that he’s been talking about quitting his job altogether and becoming a full-time writer. He’s always wanted to become a successful writer.

Man: That sounds familiar. When my brother went through a mid-life crisis, he spent a lot of time reflecting on his life and regretting giving up music to get a full-time job. He saw himself as being washed up and he was fed up with everything.

Woman: What did he do?

Man: Well, he’s probably not a good example of what your husband would do.

Woman: Don’t beat around the bush. Just tell me.

Man: Well, if you must know, he got a divorce, married a woman half his age, and tried to start a rock band.

Woman: Oh, no! That’s just what I was afraid of.

Man: I’m sure that won’t happen with your husband. You two have a great marriage. Woman: I thought so, too, but you never know.


A) He just traded in his car for a very expensive sports car.

B) He just bought a new house.

C) He had been out of work.

D) He found another exciting job.

Script: What did the woman’s husband do?

正確答案: A


A) He wants to become a musician.

B) He wants to travel around the world.

C) He wants to become a writer.

D) He wants to become a farmer.

Script: What does the woman’s husband plan to do?

正確答案: C


A) He suffered from depression.

B) He lost his job.

C) He had a divorce.

D) He wanted to become a farmer.

Script: What happened to the man’s brother?

正確答案: C

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Script: Woman: It’s your turn to put the kids to bed.

Man: No, I put them to bed last night, didn’t I?

Woman: Nope, I did that. Don’t forget their bedtime story.

Man: The kids won’t let me forget it. Okay, time for bed! Go brush your teeth and put on your pajamas. It’s lights out in 15 minutes.

Woman: What are you doing?

Man: I’m finishing my newspaper.

Woman: Aren’t you going to watch over them to make sure they’re getting ready for bed? Man: Nope. You have your methods and I have mine.

Woman: Okay, this I’ve got to see.

Man: I don’t hear anyone brushing their teeth. If everyone isn’t in bed in five minutes, they’re going to get a cuddle from Norman.

Woman: Who’s Norman?

Man: Norman is just a little scary monster I told them about. Norman eats little children who aren’t in bed when they’re supposed to be. It’s my way of making sure they stay in bed through the night.

Woman: That’s terrible! That’ll give them nightmares.

Man: Nonsense. It won’t do them any harm. As my father told me, Norman only eats bad children.


A) Mother and children.

B) Husband and wife.

C) Nurse and doctor.

D) Nurse and children.

Script: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

正確答案: B


A) He will write a letter.

B) He will watch TV.

C) He will listen to some music.

D) He will finish his newspaper.

Script: What does the man plan to do before he goes to bed?

正確答案: D


A) An imagined animal.

B) An imagined scary monster.

C) A friend to the children.

D) A neighbor of the family.

Script: Who is Norman?

正確答案: B

Section B

Direstions:Listen to three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. All the recordings will be played once only. After you hear a question, please choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Passage One

Questions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: Andrea Bruce is a freelance photojournalist, currently based in Afghanistan, whose powerful documentary work attempts to connect people across geography and culture. In 2010, she left The Washington Post, where she had spent eight years as a staff photographer. During that period, she focused on the war in Iraq, and specifically on documenting the lives of ordinary Iraqis and US soldiers. She was one of the few Western photographers who kept going back to Iraq after 2004, when the country entered into a brutal civil war and the risks to journalists became nearly impossible to justify. She also wrote a weekly column for the Post called “Unseen Iraq.” She has been named Photographer of the Year four times by the White House News Photographers Association, won the outstanding John Faber Award for best photographic reporting from abroad from the Overseas Press Club, and was a 2011 recipient of the Alicia Patterson Foundation Fellowship. Michael Kamber interviewed Bruce in Baghdad in 2010.

Community Journalism

In my last semester of my senior year in college I took a photo class for fun, and fell in love with it and became a photographer. But my dream was never to be a war photographer. I wanted to be a community journalist. I guess there is a whole generation of us photographers who probably didn’t really think we would become war photographers until September 11. That’s how I started. I didn’t really think that it would be something I would want to do until I realized that you need community journalists in Afghanistan and Iraq almost more than you need them in the States.


A) To connect people across the world and culture.

B) To tell stories and impress people.

C) To fulfill his own dream and lifestyle.

D) To do adventures in the strange worlds.

Script: What is Andrea Bruce’s documentary work trying to do?

正確答案: A


A) Photographer of the Year.

B) Prestigious John Faber Award.

C) Best photographic reporting from abroad.

D) Alicia Patterson Foundation Fellowship.

Script: What award or prize was the photojournalist given in 2011?

正確答案: D


A) 7 years.

B) 8 years.

C) 9 years.

D) 10 years.

Script: How many years has Andrea served The Washington Post?

正確答案: B

Passage Two

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: What do you want most about your life? Would you want to have a special talent in something? Maybe as a musician or an athlete? I’m of two minds about this. Sometimes I watch TV or read about someone who has a special talent. This was true during the Olympics. Some of those athletes I saw were very talented. Whether it was playing soccer, running track, ice skating, or doing gymnastic routines, you could see how gifted they were and how well-trained and focused they were. I get the same feeling when I see musicians who can sing well or play an instrument easily. Watching or listening to them can take your breath away. I sometimes wish I had a special gift like theirs.

On the other hand, I also read about stories of children who are singled out as having talent early in life. Some of these kids begin training or practicing at the exclusion of other things kids do, like hanging out with friends or learning things in other subjects. Some of these kids don’t go to school but are taught at home with tutors instead. They may be sent away to teachers or trainers in other cities, sometimes even without their parents. And, sometimes they spend so much time developing their talent, they don’t have much time to develop other parts of their lives. These kids often live under a lot of pressure to perform. I envy these kids’ talent, but I don’t envy their lives.

I guess maybe it’s not so bad being middle level after all. At least that’s what I’ll keep telling myself when I practice this week.


A) Admiration.

B) Jealousy.

C) Doubt.

D) Indifference.

Script: What is the speaker’s attitude towards those talented musicians or athletes?

正確答案: A


A) They would be chosen to go to university when they are still children.

B) They may begin training or practicing their talents early and lose their fun with other children.

C) They may win a lot of competitions.

D) They may have a hard time with the family.

Script: What can happen to some gifted children?

正確答案: B


A) At home or in other cities.

B) Without parents.

C) In another country.

D) With older children.

Script: Where would those gifted children receive their education according to the speaker?

正確答案: A

Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: Life in the United States can be described as being on the wheels. Getting around in the United States is sometimes not very easy. Most people own their own cars, but not everyone can afford the bill for the car, plus the insurance, gas, and maintenance. Most big cities have buses, but they are much slower than a car. Several cities in the U.S. have subway systems, but many do not. There are even fewer trains that transport daily commuters. In cities such as Los Angeles, public transportation is much more limited than in other countries.

If you take some form of public transportation, you need to pay a certain fare. In most big cities the fare is anywhere from 1 to 2 dollars. But don’t expect the bus driver to change a bill for you. You usually need exact change if you’re going to ride a bus, train, or subway. Whatever you take, you always have to pay for it!

My friends here in Los Angeles all have different ways of getting to work. One friend, who lives out in the boonies, rides the train every day. He takes the train because it’s easier for him than driving or taking a bus. Another friend I know who works close to where he lives rides a bike every day. Still another friend drives his car. I don’t know anyone who rides the bus, but I’ve taken it once or twice when my car was in the shop. Worse comes to worst, you can always hop in a taxi. Taking a taxi is expensive here, though, so be prepared for a big fare? including the tip!


A) Insurance.

B) Gas.

C) Maintenance.

D) Car tax.

Script: What is not mentioned as the expenses for a car?

正確答案: D


A) Every big city has a comprehensive subway system.

B) Most cities have a good subway system.

C) Several cities have a subway system.

D) Few cities have a subway system.

Script: What can be known about the US subway system?

正確答案: C


A) You should have a large bill ready.

B) You can ask the driver to change your bill.

C) You have to have small changes ready.

D) You do not need to pay for your bus ride.

Script: What is the speaker’s suggestion for taking a bus?

正確答案: C

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

There are two kinds of people who take two different views towards life: the optimistic and the pessimistic. Optimistic people look at life through (21)_________________ glasses, and pessimistic people take a dim view. For those who take a positive view of life, life is great if you don’t (22)_________________ . They think that life is like the moon; now dark, now full and that life is (23)_________________ to ups and downs. When they are put at a

(24)_________________ , they keep a stiff upper lip instead of giving up hope, and when their sun is shining, they (25)_________________ while the iron is hot and do everything possible to add (26)_________________ to their lives. They know what is meant by “Make hay while the sun shines.” These people never miss any opportunity to do things, whether it is a small thing or a great task. They never (27)_________________ small things, for they believe life is made up of

little things. These people also know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But people who take a pessimistic view of life think that life is a game played with (28)_________________ cards. They also think that life is an onion which one peels crying. To these people, there is more in life to be (29)_________________ than to be enjoyed. If, say, they run into some difficulty or get a setback, they would either curse their fate and abandon themselves to

(30)_________________ or complain about other people and plan to take revenge on them. These people, because of their negative attitude towards life, find that the sun is never shining on them. All in all, everything has two sides. We must know the fact that every dark cloud has a silver lining and that every bean has its black, therefore, we should neither forget ourselves when we are on the gravy train, nor give up hope when the sun is not shining on us.

Script: There are two kinds of people who take two different views towards life: the optimistic and the pessimistic. Optimistic people look at life through rose-colored glasses, and pessimistic people take a dim view. For those who take a positive view of life, life is great if you don’t weaken. They think that life is like the moon; now dark, now full and that life is subject to ups and downs. When they are put at a disadvantage, they keep a stiff upper lip instead of giving up hope, and when their sun is shining, they strike while the iron is hot and do everything possible to add fullness to their lives. They know what is meant by “Make hay while the sun shines.” These people never miss any opportunity to do things, whether it is a small thing or a great task. They never overlook small things, for they believe life is made up of little things. These people also know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But people who take a pessimistic view of life think that life is a game played with marked cards. They also think that life is an onion which one peels crying. To these people, there is more in life to be endured than to be enjoyed. If, say, they run into some difficulty or get a setback, they would either curse their fate and abandon themselves to despair or complain about other people and plan to take revenge on them. These people, because of their negative attitude towards life, find that the sun is never shining on them. All in all, everything has two sides. We must know the fact that every dark cloud has a silver lining and that every bean has its black, therefore, we should neither forget ourselves when we are on the gravy train, nor give up hope when the sun is not shining on us.

正確答案: rose-colored

正確答案: weaken

正確答案: subject

正確答案: disadvantage

正確答案: strike

正確答案: fullness

正確答案: overlook

正確答案: marked

正確答案: endured

正確答案: despair









