
C# 并行編程 之 限制資源的并發(fā)訪問 使用SemaphoreS -電腦資料

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C# 并行編程 之 限制資源的并發(fā)訪問 使用SemaphoreS



    示例程序: 10個任務(wù)并行訪問3個資源

<code class="hljs cs">using System;using System.Text;using System.Threading;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System.Diagnostics;namespace Sample5_8_semaphoreslim{    class Program    {        private static int _TaskNum = 10;        private static Task[] _Tasks;        private const int MAX_RESOURCE = 3;        private const int RUN_LOOP = 10;        private static SemaphoreSlim m_Semaphore;        private static void Work1(int TaskID)        {            int i = 0;            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();            var rnd = new Random();            while (i < RUN_LOOP)            {                Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(200, 500));                Console.WriteLine("TASK " + TaskID + " REQUESTing {");                m_Semaphore.Wait();                try                {                    Console.WriteLine("TASK " + TaskID + " WOrking  ...  ..." + i);                    sw.Restart();                    Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(200, 500));                }                finally                {                    Console.WriteLine("TASK " + TaskID + " REQUESTing }");                    m_Semaphore.Release();                    i++;                }            }        }        static void Main(string[] args)        {            _Tasks = new Task[_TaskNum];            m_Semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(MAX_RESOURCE);            int i = 0;            for (i = 0; i < _TaskNum; i++)            {                _Tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew((num) =>                {                    var taskid = (int)num;                    Work1(taskid);                }, i);            }            var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(_Tasks, (tasks) =>            {                Task.WaitAll(_Tasks);                Console.WriteLine("==========================================================");                Console.WriteLine("All Phase is completed");                Console.WriteLine("==========================================================");            });            try            {                finalTask.Wait();            }            catch (AggregateException aex)            {                Console.WriteLine("Task failed And Canceled" + aex.ToString());            }            finally            {                m_Semaphore.Dispose();            }            Console.ReadLine();        }    }}</code>




C# 并行編程 之 限制資源的并發(fā)訪問 使用SemaphoreS》(http://www.ishadingyu.com)。信號量也提供了超時處理機(jī)制。方法是在Wait函數(shù)中傳入一個超時等待時間 - Wait(int TIMEOUT)。當(dāng)Wait返回值為false時表明它超時了。如果傳入了 -1,則表示無限期的等待。


<code class="hljs cs">using System;using System.Text;using System.Threading;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System.Diagnostics;namespace Sample5_8_semaphoreslim{    class Program    {        private static int _TaskNum = 10;        private static Task[] _Tasks;        private const int MAX_RESOURCE = 3;        private const int RUN_LOOP = 10;        private static SemaphoreSlim m_Semaphore;        private static void Work1(int TaskID)        {            int i = 0;            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();            var rnd = new Random();            while (i < RUN_LOOP)            {                Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(200, 500));                Console.WriteLine("TASK " + TaskID + " REQUESTing {");                if (!m_Semaphore.Wait(1000))                {                    Console.WriteLine("TASK " + TaskID + " TIMEOUT!!!");                    return;                }                try                {                    Console.WriteLine("TASK " + TaskID + " WOrking  ...  ..." + i);                    sw.Restart();                    Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(2000, 5000));                }                finally                {                    Console.WriteLine("TASK " + TaskID + " REQUESTing }");                    //m_Semaphore.Release();                    i++;                }            }        }        static void Main(string[] args)        {            _Tasks = new Task[_TaskNum];            m_Semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(MAX_RESOURCE);            int i = 0;            for (i = 0; i < _TaskNum; i++)            {                _Tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew((num) =>                {                    var taskid = (int)num;                    Work1(taskid);                }, i);            }            var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(_Tasks, (tasks) =>            {                Task.WaitAll(_Tasks);                Console.WriteLine("==========================================================");                Console.WriteLine("All Phase is completed");                Console.WriteLine("==========================================================");            });            try            {                finalTask.Wait();            }            catch (AggregateException aex)            {                Console.WriteLine("Task failed And Canceled" + aex.ToString());            }            finally            {                m_Semaphore.Dispose();            }            Console.ReadLine();        }    }}</code>


    如果需要有跨進(jìn)程或AppDomain的同步時,可以考慮使用Semaphore。Semaphore是取得的Windows 內(nèi)核的信號量,所以在整個系統(tǒng)中是有效的。

    它主要的接口時 Release和WaitOne,使用的方式和SemaphoreSlim是一致的。
