

學人智庫 時間:2018-01-11 我要投稿
【www.ishadingyu.com - 學人智庫】

  時尚口語:Writing: Just a letter

  In the modern age, you can communicate in so many ways: text messaging, e-mailing, faxing, calling, but there is something about snail mail that is special. When was the last time you received a letter from someone? I mean a card with more than one or two lines written on it. There are even cards you can buy that are pre-made. They are already full of writing. All you need to do is fill in the "to" and the "from" spots. I recently made a card for my dad. His birthday is coming up. Every once in a while taking the time to write in your own handwriting showing that you care is nice. Making the card for my dad was good for me. It made me feel like I was back in elementary school. I put some stickers on it, I colored some parts, and of course, I wrote how good I am that he's my dad. I got so used to typing that it's hard to write well now. I have to write slowly or else my handwriting is really messy. Well, if you get a chance to write to someone, and you have a little extra time, I suggest that you actually write a card. You don't have to make one, but doing it the old-fashional way can be refreshing. Snail mail is slower in arriving, but it's worth the wait.

  Talk about it:

  Do you still use snail mail? How do you usually communicate with people? What is your preferred method of communication? How often do you send people letters? When was the last time you wrote a letter? Do you have neat hand-writing? Do you prefer writing or typing? How do you feel when you receive a letter? How often do you check your e-mail inbox?

  時尚口語:Mom, the Toughest Job in the World

  If you know me, you know that I always describe moms as our domestic engineers as having the toughest jobs in the world. They have so many hats to wear, so many balls to juggle, the cleaning, the cooking, the kids education, and on and on.

  So the question is does it really have to be the toughest jobs in the world, does it have to be that tough? I think that it can be easier. First of all, dads can help more There is no doubt about that. But you what, I think kids can help more, too. Moms do too much for their kids, they spoil their kids. I think they should be teaching their kids how to clean a little. Why should moms clean up after their kids, if their kids are old enough to do themselves? It does make sense to me. Sure, kids need to study, but they need to clean up after themselves. Spoiling a kid is not going to make the toughest job in the world any easier. If you teach a kid how to clean you are teaching him a great skill, and how to take care of themselves, and how to be more responsible. A wise man once said, give a man a fish, feed him a day, teach a man how to fish, feed him for a lifetime. I agree. Now that I think about it, maybe it wasn’t the mom who came up with this phrase.

  Talk about it.

  What is your mom like? Do you think being a mom is the toughest job in the world? How do you help your mom every day? What can a dad do the help? What does “give a man a fish, feed him a day, teach a man how to fish, feed him a lifetime” mean to you? What are some other tough jobs? Why are they tough? Does your mom have her own free time? When was the last time she had a vacation, or a day just for your dad? Does your mom spoil you? What does your mother do that you can do yourselves, instead? How do you show appreciation to you mother for everything she does for you?

  時尚口語:movie scenes

  Yesterday, a friend of mine and I were talking about scenes of movies that we liked, that moved us, that stuck in our brains somehow. Do you know the kind that I am talking about--scenes that are really powerful, and easy to recall, because they really impressed you somehow?

  Let me give you some examples. Did you ever see the movie "the killing fields"? well, there is a scene in the movie where the two men were finally reunited after a long long separation, and John Lennon's song "imagine" is playing in the background, that was really moving.

  In the movie "Forrest Gump", there is scene where Tom Hanks was so happy and relieved and at the same time amazed that his little son was so wonderful and healthy, that was a touching scene.

  One of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite movies, a classic, "It's a wonderful life", is when the main character realized that he is not dead, and that he has friends and family, and they love him, that's the most important thing in life. What a powerful scene.

  Is there a scene from a movie, not just a phrase like "show me the money" or "I'll be back", but a scene that you remember, that moved you somehow.

  Is there a scene that you consider one of your favorite? Perhaps there is a scene from another place, a book, a television show, even from your real life, that you don't want to lose.

  Talk about it:

  1)Can you remember a moving scene from a movie? What was it about?

  2)Can you decribe how you felt when you saw it?

  3)Are you an emotional person?

  4)Do you often let your emotion show?

  5)How do you usually express your emotions?

  6)What do you get setimental about?

  7)Do you often cry when wathing a movie or reading a book?

  8)What's your favorite scene from any movie?

  9)Why was it memorbal for you?

  時尚口語:Black and White

  All colors are special, but there are something about black and white. And I am talking about the combination here that has real power.

  Black and white make people focus, they say that most people dream in black and white, I wonder why that is. My theory is that the details of the dream, for example, what color someone’s socks are, while those details are not as important as the meaning of the dream, but I am no expert.

  But back to “black and white”, do you like black and white photography? I started to get into black and white photography when I was in the eighth grade. I would spend hours in the darkroom developing pictures that I shot, so I fell in love with black and white before high school.

  I can go on and on about white or black by themselves, but the combination of the two, whether in newspapers, films, or United States police cars, well, it seems like the inpidual colors become more powerful when used together. I guess that is the truth of all colors. Colors have their own meanings when they are alone, but put them together and their meanings might change completely.

  Talk about it:

  What comes to your mind when you hear black or white or the powerful combination “black and white”? What are some things that are black and white? Do you know any idioms that use the word “black and white”? What do you think of black and white photographs? Do you prefer them or color photographs? Have you ever watched a black and white movie or TV program? Some people are said to be color-blind, what do you think this means? How would it affect you if you suddenly lost the ability to see colors? What are some color combinations that you like?

  時尚口語: What's new?

  What's new?

  Can you smell, see or hear NEW? I think so.

  Did you ever smell new better school clothes, bags no books and pencils.

  You can see all sorts of new items and programs and teachers at school.

  You can hear the sounds of friends getting together and talking about what they did over of some break.

  You can also hear new things on the radio. One way we greet each other is saying “ What’ s new? ”

  We wanna know what’s new in friends’ life.

  We love new fashions, we enjoy new techno ledge and that’s enough forget the latest new news about our favorite movie stars.

  New is nice and exciting, but sometimes it makes me nervous.

  I miss my friends graduated. I miss the people I used to see and hear

  New shoes are nice but they aren’t always comfortable.

  A new day, a new week, and even a new season perhaps I should have a new attitude and welcome all out new stuff.

  It’s time for some new adventures. Well, a new day is out there and I have to make it mine. I hope you feel the same way too.

  Talk about it:

  Do you like new things? What kind of new things do you like?

  What do you think when you hear the word “new” ?

  Can you talk about sth new that you've done recently?

  What new things would you like to do in the future?

  Do you like going to new places?

  How long does it take you to get used to sth now?

  Are new things comfortable or uncomfortable?

  Do you like meeting new people?

  時尚口語:Thanks giving--what are you grateful for?

  It's almost time for the big Chusoek or thanks giving holiday. Many years, this is a five-day holiday, and most people get at least four days off, that's awesome.

  So,what are you going to do? the same old staff, drive, cook, eat, and watch television? laugh with family members you haven't seen in a while?I'm sure that you'll have a great time.

  You know, when I think of giving thanks for all that I have, my family, my health, the warm roof over my head, I think, wow, I sure have a lot to be grateful for. Sometimes I don't stop and think about what I have, sometimes I take those people and things for granted.

  As we near the time of a long holiday, I guess I just want to say "thank you" from the bottom of my heart, to all the people who are important in my life.

  I think my lucky stars everyday for everything that I have. I'm sure that most of you feel the same way too.

  This thanks giving or Chusoek, take a moment or two to thank people for all that they have done and still do for you. That's what I am going to do.

  The truth is, everyday is a day to give thanks.

  Talk about it:

  1)Do you have anyone special you would like to thank?

  2)What do you usually on Chusoek?

  3)Is Chusoek a special day for you?

  4)What is you hometown like?

  5)What do you do when you go there?

  6)What are you thankful for your life?

  7)Do you sometimes take things or people for granted?

  8)What could you do to show someone how much you appreciate him or her?
