

學(xué)人智庫 時(shí)間:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【www.ishadingyu.com - 學(xué)人智庫】



  西部支教(volunteering to teach in the west)對(duì)于促進(jìn)當(dāng)?shù)亟逃徒?jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展有著重要意義。大學(xué)生到西部支教,對(duì)農(nóng)村的孩子不僅僅進(jìn)行書本知識(shí)的教學(xué),更重要的是通過組織安排一些活動(dòng),寓教于樂,希望對(duì)他們未來的學(xué)習(xí)和生活有所啟發(fā)和引導(dǎo),并激發(fā)他們學(xué)習(xí)的動(dòng)力和對(duì)外面發(fā)達(dá)城市的向往,促使他們進(jìn)步。此外,大學(xué)生也會(huì)把新的觀念和思想帶到農(nóng)村去。去西部支教還能培養(yǎng)當(dāng)代大學(xué)生的社會(huì)責(zé)任感和社會(huì)公益心,在一定程度上,也緩解了西部地區(qū)教師短缺的壓力。


  Volunteering to teach in the west is significant for the improvement of local education and the economic development.The college students who volunteer to teach in the west not only impart academic knowledge to children in rural areas,but more importantly,through a number of activities to combine teaching and entertainment,they hope to provide inspiration and guidance for the children about their future study and life.They also want to motivate the children in rural areas to study,evoke their desire for going to developed cities outside and help them make progress.In addition,the college students will bring new ideas and thoughts to the countryside.Volunteering to teach in the west can also help college students develop a sense of social responsibility and contributing to public benefit.To a certain extent,it also eases the shortage of teachers in the western regions.


  1.大學(xué)生:可譯為college students,也可譯為undergraduates.

  2.通過組織安排一些活動(dòng),寓教于樂:合并譯為through a number of activities to combine teaching and entertainment.

  3.激發(fā)他們對(duì)…的向往:可譯為evoke their desire for…

  4.社會(huì)公益心:可譯為a sense of social welfare.

  5.在一定程度上:可譯為to a certain extent或up to a point.



  偶像崇拜(idol worship)問題,是人們成長(zhǎng)過程中的熱門話題。處于人生蛻變期的青少年,身心急速發(fā)展往往會(huì)造成適應(yīng)上的困難和情緒上的失衡,此時(shí)若能有良好的楷模作為效仿的對(duì)象,再加上家長(zhǎng)的正確引導(dǎo),有助于青少年的成長(zhǎng)與發(fā)展。人生是一個(gè)不斷模仿、學(xué)習(xí)與創(chuàng)新的歷程。孩子在成長(zhǎng)的過程中,需要家長(zhǎng)的引導(dǎo)與友伴的激勵(lì)。偶像崇拜的正確引導(dǎo),有助于良好行為的塑造,了解它、接受它并應(yīng)用它,才是積極之道。


  Idol worship is a hot topic during the growth of a person.In the changing period of juveniles' life,rapid development of body and psychology often leads to difficulty in adaption and imbalance in emotion.In this period,a good example to follow and parents'proper guidance are helpful for juveniles'growth and development.Life is a process of constant imitation,learning and innovation.During the process of growth,juveniles need parents'guidance and friends'encouragement.Guided properly,idol worship is helpful in shaping good behaviors.For idol worship,knowing it,accepting it and applying it is a positive way.


  1.熱門話題:可譯為hot topic,也可譯為hot issue.


  3.適應(yīng)上的困難和情緒上的失衡:可譯difficulty in adaption and imbalance in emotion.

  4.在成長(zhǎng)的過程中:可譯為During the process of growth.

  5.正確引導(dǎo):可譯為(be) guided properly,即“恰當(dāng)?shù)匾龑?dǎo)”。



  交通擁堵是世界各國(guó)普遍面臨的問題。近年來,我國(guó)城市化水平空前加快,大中城市交通擁堵問題尤其突出,交通阻塞已由局部向大范圍蔓延。這不僅影響了城市生活的效率和質(zhì)量,而且?guī)砹谁h(huán)境污染、能源緊張等一系列經(jīng)濟(jì)社會(huì)問題,嚴(yán)重制約了城市的發(fā)展。要想解決這一問題,良好的公共交通是必不可少的。實(shí)行低票價(jià)政策,是實(shí)現(xiàn)公交優(yōu)先的基本保證。從長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)來看,則要大力發(fā)展軌道交通(rail transportation),降低路面擁堵。


  Traffic jam has been a problem shared by all countries around the world.In recent years,the urbanization of China reaches an unprecedented level,which leads to especially prominent traffic jam in large and medium-sized cities.The problem of traffic jam has extended from part to a wide range.Traffic jam not only affects the efficiency and quality of uiban life,but also causes a series of economic and social problems like environmental pollution and energy deficiency,which greatly restricts the development of cities.To solve the problem,well-organized public transportation is indispensable.Low ticket price is the basic guarantee of priority of public transportation.In the long term,we must vigorously develop rail transportation to lessen traffic jam.


  1.世界各國(guó)普遍面臨的問題:譯為a problem shared by all countries around the world.“普遍面臨的”在此處譯為shared by,即“為…所共有的”,也可以用commonly faced by表達(dá)。

  2.尤其突出:可譯為especially prominent或particularly prominent.其中prominent意為“突出的,顯著的”。

  3.由局部向大范圍蔓延:可譯為has extended from part to a wide range.


  5.公交優(yōu)先:可譯為priority of public transportation.

  6.從長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)來看:可譯為in the long term,也可譯為in the long run或over the long range.