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  校園暴力是人際沖突的一個極端,對學(xué)生來說是雙重傷害,同時也體現(xiàn)出人際交往的問題。以下是大學(xué)網(wǎng)小編精心整理的相關(guān)文章,希望對大家有所幫助, 歡迎閱讀!


  防止校園暴力英語作文 1

  I do not know from what time, a terrible phenomenon of the campus to break the quiet. Because a little small, some students strike violently against their classmates, this is not a normal phenomenon. Students should be friendly to each other, to help each other, and not the things go to war for trifles. Why is this so? I think that some students do not communicate with others for a long time, too self - centered, rather than tolerance of others a little bit of fault. There is a reason, some students may be addicted to the Internet in a long period of film and television, like to see some of the story of the fight, blindly imitate others, with bad atmosphere.

  The classmates, stop it, let us join hands to work together toward a better tomorrow.、



  防止校園暴力英語作文 2

  Do you know what campus violence is? Have you ever experienced campus violence? Is there campus violence in your school? In fact, campus violence is the act of a victim being bullied by several perpetrators.

  The abusers abuse of a victim is usually due to "I" not liking you or engaging in physical altercations due to some friction. For example, retaliatory actions such as money and emotions, and sometimes even unjustly beating you up is because "I" was unhappy at the time, seeking pleasure.

  There was a recent case where nine girls assaulted a little girl, and the attackers included four middle school students and two elementary school students. Three of them had dropped out of school. Surprisingly, the perpetrators even posted the violent process online. They were not only bold and reckless, but also so arrogant and domineering. It is truly heinous, causing serious psychological trauma to the victim. After the intervention of the police, the victim was ultimately saved.

  Saving one today doesnt mean there wont be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or the future. So what should we do?

  When we encounter this situation, the best way is to face it bravely and call "110" for help. In addition, the public security department should increase its inspection efforts to prevent such incidents from happening again. Of course, the most important thing is to pay attention to "campus violence" and encourage those who are suffering to bravely stop this behavior.

  I hope all students can grow up on a sunny campus.







  防止校園暴力英語作文 3

  Campus is where we grow our knowledge and receive education, and should not be shrouded in the shadow of violent incidents. However, according to relevant statistics, juvenile delinquency has increased in the vast majority of regions across the country, with some areas experiencing an annual growth rate of over 30%. The vast majority of perpetrators and victims are students like us who are on campus.

  Campus violence also reflects interpersonal problems. Interpersonal communication requires demeanor, which is to treat stubborn people with gentleness, freeze harsh people with tolerance, and melt cold people with enthusiasm.

  Confucianism believes that although the human heart has good intentions, it is only a sprout at the beginning, and it can be easily destroyed by selfish thoughts and external temptations at any time. This sprout needs special protection and nourishment to mature and grow. Improving ones moral character is a very difficult process of cultivation. Although it may seem carefree, what kind of life feeling can one find after such a general passage? Life is a one-way journey, with no chance to turn back.

  As teenagers living together, we should help, understand, and tolerate each other. The seeds of hatred cannot grow the seeds of peace, and simple retribution cannot solve any problems.

  With the development of society and the progress of science, campus violence has emerged on campus, causing panic among students.

  Although campus violence incidents occur in schools and among us students, they are also a microcosm of the overall social environment. The whole society should pay close attention to them and take corresponding measures to work together to reduce the occurrence of such incidents and create a good learning environment on campus.

  Classmates, lets join hands and reject campus violence!








  防止校園暴力英語作文 4

  When I was browsing Weibo, I saw a video about campus violence, where a man kicked the victim girl hard, which made me feel heartbroken. During this period, there were also many supporters who assisted Zhou in his tyranny. A few girls all know each other, they look indifferent and aloof, watching the girl being beaten coldly. One of the abusers said something that shocked me: "Dont slap your face, Mom is still watching.". With a smile on his face and such a relaxed tone. To be honest, there are also many people like this in our school. There are too many people in our school, and there are all kinds of people.

  Until I saw this video, their identical tone and attitude surprised me, and the similarity was terrifying! Did my elementary school classmates also engage in such unknown activities back then! In elementary school, the public security was indeed not good. In junior high school, there was no one to manage the group fights at the school gate, and the security guards only watched coldly. The last thing I want to see is seeing it. Now, thinking about it, those classmates were really like this. Im afraid they will become more arrogant in the future and become people on the screen... They could have done such a thing.

  The man on camera said that those girls were all big sisters in society, and his sharp tone made peoples hearts sink into a cold pond.

  Campus violence is chilling!





  防止校園暴力英語作文 5

  When you hear about campus violence, I believe there are also people around you who are using violence and bullying their classmates. In school, you must also often hear teachers criticize incidents of assault and bullying at conferences, all of which are aimed at preventing these incidents from happening again. But no matter how hard the teacher tried, they couldnt stop the students from wanting to bully the weaker ones.

  Bullied classmates not only suffer physical harm, but also can be seen and cured physically. What about the spiritual aspect? Have those people who bully their classmates never put themselves in the shoes of others? You are my parents babies, arent they? They are all flesh growing, why can you bully your classmates casually? This is not only a matter of school education, but also a major issue for a family and even a country. I believe that parents and their children are yours, and we should increase our efforts in education. Although making money is important, the mental health of children is even more important. Even if you earn more money, in the end, your childs behavior is so worrying, and the harm it brings to society is self-evident. This is also the obligation and responsibility of parents. Parents play a leading role as role models for their children, educating them through actions. Schools can also reduce the burden and increase efforts in this regard, protecting children who are being bullied and giving them a happy and beautiful childhood.

  Teachers should pay attention to this aspect of education, strictly deal with campus violence incidents, let those children who have such thoughts be strangled in the cradle, so that more people can be rescued and obtain the happiness they want.




  防止校園暴力英語作文 6

  The campus is a paradise for seekers of knowledge, a heaven and earth for explorers, filled with our happy figures, sprinkled with tears of success, and filled with our joyful laughter everywhere. However, the emergence of campus violence seriously disrupts the cleanliness of the campus, endangers our health, and affects our learning.

  At the beginning of the school year, in order to create a good learning environment for us and enable us to grow up healthy and happy, the school proposed to hold a themed class meeting on Tuesday to "stay away from campus violence and strive to be civilized students".

  At the class meeting, the teacher talked about one campus violence incident after another, and the students were stunned. They never expected that such incidents as bullying the big, bullying the weak, extortion, and coercion would occur on campus. Everyone, you speak and I speak, expressing dissatisfaction and resentment towards these behaviors, and promising the teacher that we will never do such things. If we encounter similar situations, we should inform the teacher in a timely manner and work together to prevent campus violence. Because campus violence affects our learning and life, and more importantly, it endangers our physical and mental health.

  This class meeting has made me deeply realize that safety is the best wish from our family and teachers, and it has also made me realize the importance of building a harmonious campus. Therefore, I propose the following: stay away from campus violence and strive to become civilized students.





  防止校園暴力英語作文 7

  When it comes to campus violence, I have never felt unfamiliar since my student days. I remember when I transferred from the town junior high school to the county junior high school, I heard that there were often people fighting in the vicinity of this school. The most serious incident was when a boy stabbed another boy to death with a dagger.

  At that time, I began to understand that not all student relationships are pure and beautiful. Some classmates can really become enemies.

  Later, I heard that the student who used to hold a knife was imprisoned, and it wasnt until my high school tutoring that I was released. Think about the great youth, one leaving the world too early, while the other can only spend time in prison, what kind of sadness would it be.

  Nowadays, campus violence is also rampant in various schools. Whenever such videos come out on the internet, I wonder, who made these originally innocent children change? Are they the parents who gave birth to them and raised them? Or perhaps the teachers in the school did not provide proper education.

  It is said that parents are the first teachers of children. Think about it, children nowadays are always too spoiled and cant bear any anger. I have been reluctant to knock or touch since I was young. When you arrive at school, if you suffer any injustice, it will be a great hatred.

  But nowadays, teachers in schools dare not educate children too much or do not pay attention to their mental health issues.

  Looking at the campus violence in this era, I think the first and foremost issue is that parents have not fulfilled their habit of educating their children correctly, making them too spoiled and unable to withstand any grievances and friction. Another issue is the lack of psychological education for students in schools, which prevents them from returning to the right track in life in a timely manner.

  I really hope that every parent in the world can be responsible for educating their children correctly, and I also hope that schools can provide sound psychological education. I hope that these heartbreaking campus violence can be reduced.









  防止校園暴力英語作文 8

  Recently, an infuriating incident occurred in our city - Puyang, which has caused us great fear now! This is a violent campus bullying!

  This is an event that occurred in Yigao, Puyang City Yigao. This is a high school that has been praised by all the people of Puyang. However, even in the best schools, there are still some students with a "bad atmosphere"!

  I have seen students openly fighting in public due to some conflicts, but I have not seen anyone privately gathering "accomplices" to beat a student in school. A few days ago, I saw it on my phone!

  A few days ago, a ten minute, twenty-four second video was circulating wildly. Although it was only ten minutes, it was enough to make people tremble with fear!

  There were three high school freshmen who punched and kicked one of them, slapping their face with more than twenty palms and kicking them with more than forty feet, which made their blood boil uncontrollably. Because the attack was really fierce, they even kicked the victims head into the pillar with one kick. With a "clang" sound, it was heart wrenching to hear! Finally, even the victim had to kneel down and apologize! People are born equal, how can there be any distinction between high, low, and noble? Is it possible for someone who thinks they are "noble" to allow the god of death to "merge" with the arrival of death? Not existing. Why do the abusers still arrogantly ask the kneeling ones to apologize? Its really not something! The abuser certainly made the biggest mistake, but what about the victim? If the victim doesnt come into contact with those indecent people, things may not be like this, but if they do, sometimes a slight provocation can catch fire!

  We must learn from good students, not have too much contact with bad students, not be bullied, and not bully others!







  防止校園暴力英語作文 9

  A harmonious campus is a sense of security. Even if dark clouds cover the sky, rainstorm pours and thunder roars, as long as the school is like a shelter, it is a sunny day.

  Classmates ask each other for warmth and comfort, "Your clothes are wet. Let me accompany you to the school affairs office to dry them!" "Dont be afraid of thunder. My mother said that when it rains, the stars in the sky take photos for us." The teacher carefully wiped the rain off the elementary school students heads, and the worker stood in front of the door, supporting the students who didnt have umbrellas into the glass room. ".

  When the rainstorm stopped and the cool wind was blowing, the lilies under the statue of the Holy Mother bloomed elegantly and were not stingy with beauty. "Although peonies are good, they still need green leaves to support them." There are no scattered grass in the flower bushes, all the grass is green and strong. There is no such thing as a vicious mouse, only a harmonious and natural one.

  After passing by the statue of Our Lady, we walked to the middle school playground. There were various competitions going on early in the morning. Classmates are in a state of readiness like soldiers, some shouting and cheering for their teammates, composing magnificent and joyful duets one after another, encouraging each other, and applause is not just for the victorious side.

  A while ago, there were incidents of campus bullying in various schools in Hong Kong. I remember the Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, "Dont worry about his character, its him who is pitiful." Regardless of whether the bullied person deserves it or not, we should also prevent campus violence from happening. Fortunately, just classmates will always stand up. In fact, bullies need more help. Instead of seeking revenge, its better to work together to create a harmonious campus.

  A harmonious campus is not just about having beautiful and harmonious scenes, but about having a caring and inclusive attitude towards each other, from teachers to classmates and school staff.







  防止校園暴力英語作文 10

  As we all know, the campus is a place for us to read, learn, and master knowledge, a paradise for seekers, and a world for explorers. It is filled with our happy figures, filled with tears of success, and filled with our laughter and joy everywhere. However, in recent years, we have often seen violent incidents. Many students always use foul language and hurtful words, and some students are even domineering, like to use violence to solve problems, using big to bully small, using crowd to bully few, and even fighting in groups. These phenomena not only harm our bodies, make a pure heart bend, but also cast a negative shadow on the peaceful campus.

  Classmates, what should we do in the face of campus bullying? We should take action, enhance safety awareness, oppose violence, stay away from bullying, take preventive measures, build a harmonious campus together, so that every student can grow up healthy and happy, and return our school to a pure land.

  Establish a good moral concept, enhance self-protection awareness, report to parents and teachers in a timely manner when encountering problems, try not to go out alone, and do not carry too much money or valuable items. In case of emergencies, be flexible and seek opportunities to report to the police. Under the premise of protecting ones own safety, when providing assistance to others, one should have the awareness of acting bravely, wisely, and skillfully.

  Improve social communication skills. Properly handling our interpersonal relationships and getting along well with our classmates, we should be friendly and open-minded, understanding others, and not be deadlocked or haggard over trivial matters, even resorting to verbal abuse, punching and kicking, and doing things that lower our quality.

  Strengthening our own legal awareness and legal concepts, establishing correct concepts of right and wrong, we must learn, understand, and abide by the law. We should regulate our behavior with the law, as well as protect our legitimate rights and interests with the law.

  Accumulation and elegant culture make the campus full of love. As students of Beihai School, we should not only prevent violence and bullying, but also take our school spirit and motto as our living standards, and strictly demand ourselves., A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. To prevent bullying, start from myself, be strict with oneself, and be lenient with others.

  Classmates, lets all take action together. We must firmly say no to "campus bullying"! Classmates should get along friendly, understand each other, help each other, promote each other, and devote more energy to learning and life. Using our rationality and love to resolve conflicts, handle conflicts, prevent campus bullying, and create a harmonious campus, let us Beihai School become a more harmonious and positive big family.








  防止校園暴力英語作文 11

  In the hearts of most people, the campus should be inhabited by the bright and harmonious youth smile, which makes people nostalgic for life. However, in recent years, the increasingly serious incidents of campus bullying have made the campus a place that some children are unwilling to mention throughout their lives. From this perspective, campus bullying is not just a simple act of playfulness between children in the eyes of adults, but the shadow it brings often shrouds the mental life of the parties involved.

  The cruelty of campus bullying can sometimes be shocking to adults. These heinous events undoubtedly directly harm the bodies of the victims, causing indelible trauma to their young minds, and even causing some victims to develop suicidal psychology. However, the "victims" of campus bullying are not only directly injured, but also include "perpetrators" and cold eyed "bystanders". The abusers hair is greatly distorted in the center of long-term violence, which is highly likely to develop a vicious personality of indifference, self-centeredness, and even violent mania; However, bystanders who observe violent incidents year-round may develop numbness towards bullying or anxiety and fear towards relationships with classmates. Campus bullying has a scattered impact on a generation of students, which shows its great harm! Why does this terrible social phenomenon occur on this pure and beautiful campus? Behind these campus violence incidents, education issues have also emerged, with negligence in school management and loopholes in the security system. Campus bullying not only tests parents, but also tests the conscience of the school. The harm caused by campus violence incidents to children is also a kind of helplessness. The seeds of hatred that grow in their young hearts are difficult to be resolved by simple preaching.

  In the face of this, schools should increase their moral education efforts, encourage students to report campus bullying, and increase the scope of supervision to ensure that students enter and return home safely. The inaction of some local education departments should not be a reason for school inaction. Schools should deeply reflect on their own mechanisms, correct and strengthen them.

  Furthermore, campus bullying incidents should not only serve as a topic of conversation, but also serve as an alarm. What has happened can be compensated, what has not yet happened needs to be prevented. Judicial institutions are not only targeted at adults, their enforcement targets the entire society, and legal gaps should be filled in a timely manner.

  Although the student involved is a minor, the punishment is also indispensable. As for exposing the parties involved to the sunlight and receiving the appropriate punishment, it is possible to keep campus bullying incidents away from children and students from harm.

  In order to prevent campus bullying, it is necessary to ensure that families, schools, and society fulfill their respective responsibilities, increase moral education, and also increase judicial efforts to resolve conflicts invisibly and prevent potential problems. Only then can we provide students with a safe blue sky and embrace the brilliance of the future.

  Holding the hand of safety, accompanying the wind of safety, enjoying a safe campus, and obtaining a spiritual sanctuary. Resist campus bullying, start from me.








  防止校園暴力英語作文 12

  Campus is a paradise for our learning and a cradle for our growth. But sometimes there are "demons" on campus, with some disharmonious "notes" appearing, which is the phenomenon of "campus bullying".

  On campus, there may be people who, due to a misunderstanding or a trivial matter, envy others for being better looking, beautiful, and having a good demeanor, may resort to verbal abuse and physical abuse. Each one of these incidents indicates that there has been violence on campus. So, how should we prevent the occurrence of campus bullying?

  Today, our school participated in the "Legal System on Campus" activity organized by the procuratorate and listened to a legal lecture on "Opposing Campus Bullying" by the prosecutor. This is the crucial role of the procuratorial organs in preventing juvenile delinquency and protecting the physical and mental health of minors. In order to effectively strengthen the legal awareness of minors, the prosecutor played a common video of campus bullying and violent crimes to all teachers and students in our school. From the video, we can see that the protagonist Xiang Xiang was surrounded and beaten by other classmates due to his good looks, and suffered from physical attacks, ridicule, and insults, leaving the protagonist with numerous scars and being mentally affected. These students who surround and insult others ultimately receive legal punishment. This makes us understand that campus bullying is legally responsible.

  The prosecutor also talked to us about the ways and behaviors of campus bullying. For example, "a light kick can cause a disaster in prison, one cannot use force over small matters, bullying is not an honor, and one should be cautious when making friends online.". Finally, the prosecutor taught us how to prevent and respond to campus bullying: firstly, legal awareness is essential, and we should think twice when making every move; The second is when the retribution will come, dont use violence to control violence. The third is to not panic when encountering infringement and seek help from adults; The fourth is to protect oneself from injury and act bravely to help others.

  This lecture has made us deeply realize that in campus life, it is necessary to distinguish right from wrong, strengthen the concept of law-abiding, firmly oppose campus bullying, and learn how to prevent and respond to the occurrence of campus bullying. I call on all students to consciously abide by school rules and national laws, and jointly build a civilized and harmonious campus!






  防止校園暴力英語作文 13

  The campus should have been the pure land of our happy learning, but due to the ruthless invasion of campus violence in recent years, this pure land has been greatly damaged. Smoking, drinking, and fighting are common occurrences, and even students violate the bottom line of the law. The attacker does not listen to dissuasion, the victim swallows their anger, and in the end, the situation will become increasingly serious. Today, I will discuss with you how to stay away from the disaster of campus violence.

  Knowing oneself and the enemy is the key to victory in all battles. To stay away from campus violence, one should understand it. Campus violence, also known as campus bullying, refers to intentional abuse of language, physical strength, the internet, and equipment by teachers, classmates, or external personnel on campus, on the way to or from school, or during educational activities, targeting the physical, psychological, reputation, rights, and property of teachers and students to a certain extent. It mostly occurs in primary and secondary schools.

  After understanding campus violence, we need to know how to counter it. After browsing through some past campus violence incidents, I discovered several common issues. One of them is that the bullies swallow their pride and do not tell adults - parents or teachers. This problem is very serious because if you dont tell others, the bully will think you are bullying and will take care of you more in the future. Some bullies are afraid to tell each other because of the bullys intimidation. In fact, the intimidation of bullies cannot cause substantial harm to you. If you tell adults, they will protect you. So, if you are bullied, dont swallow your pride.

  Another thing is that the bully is not wrong. Some bullies, because they were bullied in lower grades, think in higher grades: "Why cant I bully others when others bully me?"? They bully others with such a mentality, little realizing that they will eventually face legal sanctions.

  Campus violence is like a raging beast, never approach it. We should not be bullied sheep, nor should we be bullied wolves. Today we take responsibility for rejecting campus violence, and tomorrow we will have a harmonious campus.






  防止校園暴力英語作文 14

  Campus violence is a serious problem that not only causes physical and psychological harm to victims, but also has adverse effects on families and society. We should take proactive measures to prevent and solve the problem of campus violence.

  Firstly, schools should strengthen the prevention and promotion of campus violence. Schools can offer safety education courses to help students understand what campus violence is, how to prevent it, and how to protect themselves when facing campus violence. In addition, schools can also establish campus safety offices to handle campus violence incidents and provide assistance and support to students.

  Secondly, families should also strengthen the supervision and education of their children. Parents should understand their childrens school situation, promptly identify potential psychological problems, and provide assistance and support. At the same time, parents should also strengthen supervision and education of their children to avoid their involvement in violent and bullying behavior.

  Finally, society should also strengthen its attention and assistance towards campus violence. Society can establish a campus violence prevention mechanism to provide support and assistance to schools and parents. At the same time, society can also establish psychological counseling institutions to provide psychological support and assistance to victims.

  In short, solving the problem of campus violence requires joint efforts from schools, families, and society. We should take proactive measures to prevent and solve the problem of campus violence, and provide children with a safe, healthy, and harmonious learning environment.






  防止校園暴力英語作文 15

  The bullying incident at Yigao School changed my previous perception of the distance between campus violence and us. It happened at the school we were going to study in the future. I naively believed that campus bullying was far away from us, and this idea dissipated with the occurrence of the case.

  Campus bullying occurred in a high dormitory, where a student gathered classmates to besiege the victim and committed violence for ten minutes. The perpetrator not only did not feel ashamed, but also forwarded the video back and forth. It took half a month for it to become known to everyone, and the incident became public only after it could not be concealed. The process of the incident was full of twists and turns, but it was very thought-provoking.

  Suffering from campus bullying, one must promptly protect their rights in accordance with the law and cannot conceal it. Learn the correct self-protection and never use violence to control violence. This not only fails to achieve results, but also harms oneself. The victim of this campus bullying chose to remain silent, which was wrong. Dont let yourself go down the path of bullies. Becoming a bully is not something that can be achieved overnight, it starts with seemingly small things. Like hitting or scolding a classmate; Learning falls to the point of being associated with some "delinquent youths"; Even carrying dangerous goods to threaten classmates. These bad habits can lead some students towards the path of crime, the more they go, the deeper they become addicted, and ultimately end up on a path of no return.

  Although campus bullying rarely occurs in our school, it does not mean it is far away from us. However, verbal attacks occur from school to class and individuals. Do these students take into account the feelings of others when they express their indecent remarks? I hope the bad words will disappear completely in the future.

  Without bullies, there would be no bullies. It is our responsibility to prevent campus bullying. I hope that the hearts of every student will not be severely damaged as a result.






  防止校園暴力英語作文 16

  In a harmonious school, students help each other, learn from each other, and discuss problems. Next to the playground, you can hear the sound of Lang Langs books coming from afar, and instantly create a beautiful and harmonious music. Everything seems beautiful. Soft sunshine seems to fall on everyone, and happiness seems to be everywhere.

  However, in this wonderful music, there are still some annoying noises that disturb people, affecting their physical and mental health, causing them fear and panic. Today, with the rapid development of society, campus bullying is no longer just a shooting star that occasionally flies across the sky. It burns like a terrifying flame, quietly and terrifyingly spreading, becoming increasingly fierce and difficult to stop.

  So, why do these tragedies often occur in quiet and harmonious campuses, where girls who should have been described in beautiful and innocent language are increasingly associated with violence, Wendell Dickinson, and murder? The topic of campus violence is extremely heavy. Faced with campus violence, students are at a loss and parent educators are at a loss.

  Indeed, there is a high possibility of campus violence, and its containment is not a one-time event. Ultimately, only the right medication can cure the disease. Nowadays, most students are only children who often grow up under careful care. Children who grow up in extreme favor often unconsciously form the illusion that others must obey me, and develop a self-centered consciousness. It is this extreme self-centered mindset that creates abnormal self-esteem in children, which leads them to only focus on their own interests and ignore the narrow personalities of others. Once others cannot satisfy their own interests, they will immediately take some excessive actions to retaliate and give others so-called "punishment". There are also cruel "martial arts grudges" that vent their anger by harming the opponents body or life.

  In addition, the disciplinary function of school education is gradually losing. Under the constraints of regulations and unreasonable compulsory education, most schools find it difficult to punish students. The loss of disciplinary function promotes the free emergence of extreme psychology, and violent individuals become ignorant and fearless. Secondly, the weakness of schools also leads to a decrease in the authority of teachers in handling disputes. It is useless to reason and influence some violent children, but teachers can only do so. They are very embarrassed. Therefore, many students believe that teachers cannot fundamentally solve the problem. In the end, they still had to rely on their own strength and the power of small groups to lift their hatred.

  It is worth noting that an increasing number of online games are appearing in the application market, inevitably involving aspects such as violence and morality. In the concrete image of the virtual world, players feel the thrill of virtual violence and apply it to reality, but are unaware that they have been influenced by left and right or even left and right, blindly following, ultimately leading to inevitable tragedy.

  Therefore, young students should establish correct moral and order concepts, cultivate a broad mind, and not cause trouble due to small things. Learn to turn big into small, change extreme thoughts, treat people politely, and treat each other with love.

  Campus needs sunshine, let it inject vitality and hope into the pale soul, compose a harmonious song of youth, let us abandon bullying, and move forward happily in the sunshine.









  防止校園暴力英語作文 17

  The campus is originally a place for us to read and learn, where we can make good teachers and friends; Here, we can explore the ocean of knowledge... but due to campus bullying, it often disrupts the original tranquility of the campus. In order to enhance the safety awareness of students in preventing campus bullying, improve their self-protection ability, strictly prevent the occurrence of campus bullying incidents, and build a harmonious campus, the Education and Sports Bureau of Hongta District, Yuxi City organized 10000 teachers and students from primary and secondary schools in Hongta District to watch an online public welfare lecture on "Anti Campus Bullying and Rule of Law on Campus - Saying No to Violence".

  In the lecture, the teacher used vivid and easy to understand language to explain the definition, manifestations, harms, and prevention and control measures of campus bullying, based on vivid cases that occurred around teenagers and on campus. At the same time, it has allowed us to fully understand the seriousness and impartiality of our countrys laws, and to understand the principle of "where one cannot go, where one cannot go".

  Through the lecture, we have come to understand that campus bullying refers to incidents where students on and off campus use physical, verbal, and online means to bully and insult each other, causing physical, property, or mental harm to the victims. It can be divided into two categories: direct bullying and indirect bullying. Direct bullying includes physical and verbal bullying, while indirect bullying refers to bullying carried out through certain intermediaries, such as the internet.

  In our campus life, it is inevitable that there will be some minor conflicts and frictions among classmates. If we can all tolerate them, the conflicts and frictions will not further escalate into campus violence and bullying. As the saying goes, "Take a step back from the vast sea and sky, and endure the calm waves for a while." So let us be more tolerant of each other and less narrow-minded and petty.

  The harm of campus bullying is immeasurable. Bullying classmates not only causes physical harm, but also psychological harm, affecting health and even personality development. Therefore, when we encounter campus bullying, as bystanders, should we stand idly by or act bravely? Through this lecture, I learned that as an observer, the correct way to handle it is to promptly report to the school or teachers, or call the police for help. If you are bullied, dont swallow your anger and bravely say "no" to campus bullying.

  When bullying occurs, we should remain calm, shout for help loudly around us, and turn bystanders into protectors. When bullying occurs, we should inform parents and teachers of campus violence incidents and not bear physical and psychological trauma on our own. As perpetrators of bullying, they will also face severe legal sanctions and leave an indelible stain on their life history, affecting their future life and employment.

  I sincerely hope that the school can hold more similar activities, so that we can learn knowledge through lectures, keep campus violence and bullying away from the campus, and make the campus a true paradise for students to study and make friends with peace of mind!








  防止校園暴力英語作文 18

  Real things are more powerful and can shake people even more. After reading the book "Sunshine Campus Refuses Violence", I feel that it is a rare heavyweight documentary literature. It uses a documentary approach to record in detail 16 violent incidents that occurred on campuses in China, briefly recounting more than 50 incidents. In addition to the real violent incidents that have occurred, the author also truthfully tells readers about what he has seen, heard, thought, and even deeply emotional experiences in the book.

  Campus violence is like a contagious virus. Although it comes with great force, it is actually weak and unbearable. However, when the power of justice is greater, it will surrender.

  I cant help but think of my grandmother telling me more than once that when I was young, my health was not very good and I had to run to the hospital every two days. Every time I have a high fever, my mother always stays up all night, watching me step by step, helping me wipe my sweat, take my temperature, sing nursery rhymes, and tell stories. When I reached the age of enrollment, my mother was willing to give up her superior job benefits and switch jobs, just to create a good learning and living environment for me. Whenever I think of these things, I can feel my mothers care and love for me. My mothers love is so delicate that I cannot express it endlessly. When I think of the perpetrators of campus violence, if they had such a mother, they would definitely not have done those unreasonable behaviors.

  Human life is priceless, and in order to achieve instant success, it comes at the cost of life. Thats definitely not worth it. For everyone around me who loves us: for the happiness of our family: for the stability of society, we should learn from it, take it as a warning, and cherish our own and others lives.





  防止校園暴力英語作文 19

  The phenomenon of campus bullying originated in families and society, and is harmful to schools. To address this phenomenon, it is necessary to start from schools and root out the root cause.

  It is obvious that some countries with good governance mainly solve the problem of campus violence through laws, rather than mainly through training and preaching. Moreover, once a campus violence incident occurs, psychological counseling and tracking will be provided to the relevant children to avoid affecting their psychology in the future. These two aspects are undoubtedly worth learning from.

  In traditional society, children are more regarded as products of the family and family, rather than being seen as independent individuals with certain rights first. In Chinas Law on the Protection of Minors, among the four types of protection for minors, family protection ranks first. However, family protection cannot reach the campus, which is the condition for campus violence and bullying to occur. Once such an incident occurs, the school either suppresses it to prevent the scandal from spreading, or coordinates with parents to resolve the issue and provide compensation. Legal protection almost always gives way to these handling methods, and the punishment for minors involved is usually light, which makes them not have a hard constraint to tell themselves not to bully their peers.

  Of course, this does not mean that the family is not important in solving campus bullying, on the contrary, it is exceptionally important. At the national level, governance in our country can only be achieved by improving systems and relevant regulations, and it is more likely to be a form of post punishment to establish constraints.

  However, bullying often involves emotions, such as insult and humiliation, and the level and quality of family education of those who insult others can be imagined; And those who suffer humiliation, especially children who allow others to bully them, some of them also have cowardly characteristics and dare not resist or speak out loudly, which is also a lack of family education to some extent. This may be because they did not attach importance to the right to speak to their children when they were young, or because parents did not care enough about their childrens daily lives. It should be noted that some campus bullying is repetitive.

  We believe that solving campus bullying requires a multi pronged approach, starting with collecting various common problems through specialized governance, and promoting the improvement of legislation and strict law enforcement as soon as possible. At the same time, the lack of family education should be addressed as soon as possible, such as the left behind children of migrant workers in the city. Family education that involves violence education needs to its concepts. Children should receive certain civic education from an early age, and education on friendship, equality, and respect should be given importance. In addition, campuses should also make efforts in respecting education. Firstly, teachers should respect every child, lead by example, and not only care about their learning, but also their emotions and inner world. Campus bullying is just a phenomenon, and there are many causes. Solving the problem from these reasons can be twice the result with half the effort.

  In fact, there is an increasing demand in Chinese society for the formulation of an anti campus violence law. Just because one is a minor, they should not be held legally responsible. Anyone who violates the criminal law and causes serious consequences should be held criminally responsible in accordance with the law. The current trend is that campus violence is becoming increasingly ostentatious, showing off through bullying or beating others and producing and disseminating videos. The current lack of laws will only encourage some people to commit violence on campus, and even become increasingly cruel. And people often refer to American laws for comparison. Some Chinese law students who study abroad in the United States bully their classmates and receive serious punishment, requiring years or even decades of imprisonment.

  Relying solely on family or campus education is difficult to curb this trend of campus bullying, and special governance can only provide temporary constraints. Reducing campus violence should lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility in China and make those perpetrators pay the price.









  防止校園暴力英語作文 20

  I saw another news about campus violence, where six underage girls surrounded and assaulted a girl, forcing her to drink unknown liquids. The news was shocking.

  They are all classmates and underage. They should have played together during break time, skipping rope, and so on. I dont understand why so much campus violence has occurred. What worries and grievances do we have? Everyone is the treasure of our parents. I dont know if its because the times have changed or if Im old.

  When I was in elementary and junior high school, I only knew how to read and play together during breaks. When I was angry, I would just argue a few words. I had never met such a classmate before, but now children have changed. Unlike us back then, every child has a smartphone and always posts flirtatious and looking for boyfriend and girlfriend. In their eyes, even fourteen years old is old.

  Campus violence has always existed, and when it happens, people record videos and post them on the internet. Watching children in the videos gather around a group, some hitting, some laughing, and some smoking, both male and female. I really dont understand if recording this video is showing off. However, I should also thank these video recorders for showing us what they have done. Those are not just flowers of our country, but some evil forces.

  The occurrence of campus violence is something that none of us want, and it can cause great harm to the parties involved, both physically and mentally. It is likely to create a lifelong psychological shadow for children.

  Although I have never experienced campus violence, there have been many incidents around me. The high school cafeteria was very crowded, and the special was for lunch after school. Some people may have encountered a crowded situation and picked up a plate and smashed it on the head of another person. Its ridiculous that those boys around me didnt stop them, but were still watching the excitement. These are not minors, but they still do.

  Many celebrities have also participated in campus anti violence, and corresponding institutional reforms have been carried out on campus. However, this matter should still be educated from the perspective of children themselves, fundamentally preventing the occurrence of campus violence, and returning the school to a pure land.

















