

學人智庫 時間:2018-02-08 我要投稿
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  1. About Google APAC 2015 University Graduates Test

  If matching wits with coders across Asia Pacific and testing your skills on algorithmic problems sounds like fun, do not delay in registering for the Google APAC 2015 University Graduates Test!

  To all BS, MS and PhD students expecting to graduate in Spring or Summer 2015 who hope for a software engineering career at Google, be sure to register to participate. Outstanding performers in the Google APAC 2015 University Graduates Test will be invited to interview at Google.

  Registration is now open and while the APAC Test won’t kick off until August 18, 2014, we encourage you to get warmed up and practice by checking out past problems from Global Code Jam. If this is your first time competing in a Code Jam event, take a look at our Quick-Start Guide to learn the basics of the Code Jam platform and how to compete.

  2. Schedule

Date Time ( CST)* Duration Description August  18 (Monday) 13:00 CST 3hr Round A September  15 (Monday) 13:00 CST 3hr Round B October  13 (Monday) 13:00 CST 3hr Round C November  10 (Monday) 13:00 CST 3hr Round D

  * All times are 24-hour China Standard Time (CST).

  The APAC Test consists of four online rounds in which students can choose to participate. The four online rounds will take place on August 18, September 15, October 13 and November 10, 2014. Find the schedule. You may participate in any round, or any combination of rounds. In each round, participants will receive scores for providing answers to a series of coding problems. After each round, some of the highest-scoring participants may be invited to interview at Google.

  3. FAQ


  How can I register?

  After registration opens, and before the end of the test, you can register for Google APAC 2015 University Graduates Test at https://code.google.com/codejam/apactest. You can tell whether registration is open by checking our schedule.

  Competing: Tools

  What programming languages can I use to solve the problems?

  You can use pretty much any programming language or languages you like, with the proviso that the compiler or interpreter for the language you used is freely available. See the Terms for the details. Some specific things worth mentioning: Visual Studio is acceptable, because of Visual Studio Express. Likewise with MATLAB, because of open-source versions like Octave. Interpreters and compilers that require you to have Windows or Mac OS X installed are acceptable (if they aren't unacceptable for another reason). Time-limited trials of compilers and interpreters that cost money are not acceptable. Maple and Mathematica are non-free, and not acceptable.

  What development environments can I use?

  You can use any development environment or text editor, including those that cost money. Bear in mind that the programming language you use must have a free compiler or interpreter.

  Competing: Mechanics

  The contest is starting soon. Where do I go to compete?

  For Google APAC 2015 University Graduates Test , go to https://code.google.com/codejam/apactest. There will be a countdown timer that counts down to the start of the round. If you can't find the round you're looking for, chances are it isn't running at the time you expected.

  Do I have to solve the problems in any particular order?

  You can answer the problems in any order you like. Looking at a problem does not start any timers, so you can read all of them at the start and solve them in the order of your choice. There are different point values for each input in each problem, and we generally give lower point values to the questions we think are the easiest.

  Competing: Submissions

  How do I open the .in file that I downloaded?

  The ".in" files are simply text files. You are required to write a program that takes the text from the .in file as input and produces some output (as defined by the problem statement). If you would like to look inside the .in file, you can open it in a text editor. Wordpad and Notepad++ will work, as will any other editor that understands UNIX endlines. Warning: Notepad will generally display .in files incorrectly.

  What are the requirements for uploading source code files?

  You must upload all of your code in addition to any non-standard libraries you used to solve each Input/Output set. Uploading source code files larger than 100kB is not allowed. You may upload a ZIP archive containing multiple files, as long as their total uncompressed size does not exceed 1MB. If you use a standard library that's available on the Internet, and it's too large to upload, put a comment in your source code explaining where the library is available.

  What if I solve a problem by hand?

  Instead of code, upload a text file briefly explaining that you solved the problem by hand. Google reserves the right to disqualify any submissions that we believe do not comply with the Terms.

  How can I confirm that I uploaded the right files?

  You can double-check the submissions you've made by clicking the "View my submissions" link on the left panel of the contest page. This page will let you download the input, output and source code for each of your submissions. For submissions to Large Input/Output sets, only your most recent submission will be available. You can only download your output and source code if you have submitted them.

  Dealing with 502 Errors

  What is a 502 error?

  We have recently received reports that a small fraction of contestants received these errors when they tried to submit their output. A 502 error is an indication that your submission didn't get to Google's servers, or arrived at our servers malformed. This can be caused by an incorrectly-configured proxy. All of our reports so far have come from China.

  What should I do if I got a 502 error?

  Try submitting from a different browser. If that doesn't work, try competing from https://gcj-prod.appspot.com/codejam/apactest. That's just an alias for https://code.google.com/codejam/apactest, but using it can solve the problem. If that doesn't work, you'll have to investigate your proxy settings.

  Using the Code Jam Site

  How can I watch a round?

  Visit the contest's home page (e.g. https://code.google.com/codejam) while a round is running, and if you aren't eligible to compete you should see links to "Watch" and to "Read the Problems." If you want to see how a friend or friends are doing, click "Watch", make sure you're logged in with a Google Account, and go to the "Friends" tab. Go to the "Add Friend" area in the top-right and enter your friend's Code Jam nickname, case-sensitive. Then you can watch as your friend climbs the ranks to victory (hopefully).

  How can I practice?

  Before you ever participate, it's a good idea to get used to how the platform works. Even if you have participated before, it can't hurt to try out a few extra problems, and sharpen your skills! Visit our Practice and Learn page, which is all about how to practice for Code Jam.

  About Code Jam

  Are the questions available in other languages? Can I use a translator?

  Because programming problems often require very precise language, the risk of mistranslating a problem is too great, and the consequences are very severe: a single wrong word can give a very real disadvantage or advantage to contestants reading it. Because of this, we've decided not to make the problems available in more than one language. You may use the mechanical translator of your choice. Talking about the problems with other people, even translators, is not allowed.

  How are Google Code Jam problems prepared?

  We've described the process in our problem preparation guide.

  4. 關(guān)于軟件工程師




