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目錄 吊死鬼 防治方法 一種英語(yǔ)課堂游戲 吊死鬼

一般突然來(lái)的大風(fēng)吹過(guò)樹(shù)的時(shí)候就會(huì)有不少“吊死鬼”垂下來(lái)。 另外,說(shuō)明一點(diǎn),它們?nèi)胪粱嫉臅r(shí)候,并不是從樹(shù)上垂下來(lái)的,而是直接爬到地面上去。 以下,尺蠖資料。 尺蠖(chihuo)無(wú)脊椎動(dòng)物,昆蟲(chóng)綱,鱗翅目,尺蛾科昆蟲(chóng)的統(tǒng)稱(chēng)。幼蟲(chóng)身體細(xì)長(zhǎng),行動(dòng)時(shí)一屈一伸像個(gè)拱橋,休息時(shí),身體能斜向伸直如枝狀。完全變態(tài)。成蟲(chóng)翅大,體細(xì)長(zhǎng)有短毛,觸角絲狀或羽狀,稱(chēng)為“尺蛾”。全世界約有12000種,我國(guó)約有43種。幼蟲(chóng)危害果樹(shù),茶樹(shù)、桑樹(shù)、棉花和林木等。如茶尺蠖的幼蟲(chóng)食害葉片,嚴(yán)重時(shí)造成光禿現(xiàn)象。靜止時(shí),常用腹足和尾足抓住茶枝,使蟲(chóng)體向前斜伸,頗像一個(gè)枯枝,受驚時(shí)即吐絲下垂;又如棗尺蠖的幼蟲(chóng),不僅食害棗樹(shù),酸棗的'葉片,并食嫩芽、花蕾,造成嚴(yán)重危害。雌成蟲(chóng)無(wú)翅,雄成蟲(chóng)全體灰褐色,前翅有褐色波紋2條。我國(guó)南北各地最常見(jiàn)的桑尺蠖,其幼蟲(chóng)常作為“擬態(tài)”的典型代表。 生活史及習(xí)性: 每年發(fā)生1代,以蛹在樹(shù)下土中8~10厘米處越冬。翌年3月下旬至4月上旬羽化。雌蛾出土后,當(dāng)晚爬至樹(shù)上交尾,卵多產(chǎn)在樹(shù)皮縫內(nèi),卵塊上覆蓋有雌蛾尾端絨毛。4月中下旬棗樹(shù)發(fā)芽,幼蟲(chóng)孵化為害,為害盛期在5月份。5月下旬至6月上旬幼蟲(chóng)先后老熟,入土化蛹越夏越冬。 天敵: 有棗尺蠖腫跗姬蜂和寄生蠅。


1.成蟲(chóng)羽化前,在樹(shù)干基部挖蛹。 2.在樹(shù)干綁15厘米寬的塑料薄膜帶,然后集中捕殺。 3.在卵基本孵化結(jié)束時(shí),噴灑有機(jī)磷殺蟲(chóng)劑或菊酯類(lèi)殺蟲(chóng)劑。


吊死鬼游戲 Hangman (game) Hangman is a paper and pencil guessing game for two players. One player thinks of a word and the other tries to guess it by suggesting letters. The word to guess is represented by a row of dashes, giving the number of letters. If the guessing player suggests a letter which occurs in the word, the other player writes it in all its correct positions. If the suggested letter does not occur in the word, the other player draws one element of the hangman diagram. The game is over when: The guessing player completes the word, or guesses the whole word correctly The other player completes the diagram: This diagram is, in fact, designed to look like a hanging man. Although debates have arisen about the questionable taste of this picture, it is still in use today. The exact nature of the diagram differs; some players draw the gallows before play and draw parts of the man's body (traditionally the head, then the torso, then the left arm, then the right arm, then the left leg, then the right leg). Some players begin with no diagram at all, and drawing the individual elements of the gallows as part of the game, effectively giving the guessing players more chances. Some modifications to game play, such as "'buying' a vowel" and the "RSTLNE" common letter use result from the U.S. television game show Wheel of Fortune, created by Merv Griffin. Hangman is sometimes played as a forum game.