


時間:2021-10-06 12:44:42 英語試題 我要投稿



一、指出下列單詞的正確讀音 (10分)


。 ]1.horrible  A.['h&r+bl]  B.['h)ribl]    C.[h+ur+bl]

 [ ]2.organize  A.[&'g+naiz]  B.[&':g+niz]   C.[&':g+naiz]

。 ]3.taste   A.[teist]   B.[t%:st]     C.[t$st]

 [ ]4.vinegar   A.['vin+g+]  B.[vin:+g+]    C.['vinig+]

。 ]5.prison   A.['prizn]   B.['priz+n]     C.['praizn]

。 ]6.pyramid  A.['pirimid]  B.['pir+mid]    C.['pir%mid]

。 ]7.monitor  A.['m&:nit+]  B.['m+nit+]    C.['m&nit+]

 [ ]8.elephant  A.['eliph+nt] B.['elif+nt]    C.['eli:f+nt]

。 ]9.parent   A.[p#+'r+nt]  B.['p#+rnt]    C.['p#+r+nt]

。 ]10.radio   A.['reidju]  B.['reid+u]     C.['reidi+u]

二、選擇適當答案解釋劃線部分 (10分)

。 ]1.All the lights in the building were off.

      A.were dead                    B.went out

      C.went away                    D.were alive

 [ ]2.What is the matter with you?

      A.the thing                    B.wrong

      C.terrible                    D.ill

。 ]3.You can see many tall trees on both sides of the street.

      A.either side                   B.either sides

      C.every side                   D.each sides

。 ]4.The other day our class held an English party in the


      A.Another day                   B.One other day

      C.Some day                     D.A few days ago

。 ]5.Last night we saw an excellent film.

      A.fine                      B.not bad

      C.very good                    D.good

 [ ]6.We enjoy singing very much.

      A.want        B.do      C.like     D.join

。 ]7.He was seated at the desk.

      A.was down      B.stood    C.sat     D.ate

。 ]8.He has written three novels recently.

      A.late        B.later    C.latter   D.lately

。 ]9.Look out when you are crossing the street.

      A.Go fast                     B.Don't stop

      C.Be careful                   D.Don't run

。 ]10.Did you catch what he said?

      A.hold        B.listen to C.know     D.do

三、選擇填空 (20分)


 [ ]1.I was sitting near the fire ______ I heard someone knocking at the door.

     A.for      B.when    C.while    D.because

。 ]2.Between the earth and the moon there is nothing but


     A.corner     B.space    C.rooms    D.the place

。 ]3.I wonder what ______ in the cinema recently.

     A.had been on  B.is on    C.has on   D.was on

。 ]4.We were satisfied with ______ he had said.

     A.that      B.which    C.thing    D.what

。 ]5.Harbin lies ______ of China.

     A.to the north                B.on the north

     C.in the north                D.about the north

 [ ]6.______ the first day when school began, the new

    headmaster was introduced ______ us all.

     A.At, to                   B.On, to

     C.In, for                  D.By, with

。 ]7.The police ______ the thief and took him to the police station.

     A.made hold of                B.got in with

     C.caught hold                D.got hold of

 [ ]8.Finally Tom got a very good ______.

     A.working    B.work    C.job     D.news

。 ]9.The girl ______ go alone in the street at night.

     A.dares not                 B.dare not

     C.dares not to                D.dare not to

。 ]10.There is ______ rain in the south in spring.

     A.plenty of                  B.a plenty of

     C.a lot                   D.many

 [ ]11.It was cold yesterday, but it is ______ today.

     A.more cold                 B.even colder

     C.much cold                 D.more colder

。 ]12.My father asked me ______ mistakes I had made in the English test.

     A.whether    B.when     C.if how     D.how many

。 ]13.Excuse me ______ my coming late.

     A.for      B.as      C.since     D.because

。 ]14.______ you and me sits my daughter.

     A.Between    B.Among     C.Either     D.Both

 [ ]15.John insisted that Bob ______ his money.

     A.stealing                    B.stolen

     C.steals                     D.had stolen

。 ]16.I can't answer right now. I have to ______.

     A.think over it                  B.think it of

     C.think it over                 D.think out it

 [ ]17.At that time there was hardly any noise from the streets. It was very ______.

     A.quiet     B.quite     C.quick     D.quilt

。 ]18.______ of the books are mine.

     A.None      B.No one    C.Not the one  D.No

。 ]19.Both of us like dancing, but ______ of us likes singing.

     A.none     B.either    C.neither    D.not 

。 ]20.The professor filled the cup ______ water, then nodded ______ a smile.

     A.in, in                     B.with, with

     C.of, in                     D.to, with

四、閱讀理解 (10分)


  One of Jim's feet was bigger than the other. "I can never find shoes for my feet." he said to his friend Dick.

  "Why don't you go to a shoemaker?" Dick said," A good one can make you the right shoes."

  "I've never been to a shoemaker," Jim said, "Are they expensive?"

  "No," Dick said, "Some of them aren't. There is a good one in our village, and he's quite cheap. Here is his address." He wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to Jim.

  Jim went to the shoemaker in Dick's village a few days later, and the shoemaker made him some shoes.

  Jim went to the shop again a week later and looked at the shoes. He became angry and said to the shoemaker. "You are a foolish man! I told you to make one shoe bigger than the other, but you've made one smaller than the other."


。 ]1.Jim couldn't find right shoes because his feet were too big.

 [ ]2.Jim didn't go to any shoemakers before Dick told him to do so.

。 ]3.The shoes of the shoemaker in Dick's village were cheap.

。 ]4.When Jim saw his shoes in the shop, he was angry.

 [ ]5.The shoemaker was foolish.


  Each Sunday the minister (牧師) called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story. Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate (說明) the idea of prayer (祈禱者).

  "You talk to people on the telephone and don't see them on the other end of the line,right?" he began. The children nodded yes. "Well, talking to God is like talking on the telephone. He's on the other end, but you can't see him. He's listening, though."

  Just then a little boy piped up (大聲講話) and asked, "What's his number?"


 [ ]1.The minister told the children a story each Sunday.

。 ]2.He brought a picture of telephone to the church once.

。 ]3.When you talk to people on the phone, you can see them on the other end.

。 ]4.The minister said that talking to God was like talking on the phone.

 [ ]5.The little boy asked the minister's number.

五、完形填空 (10分)


  1 people are killed 2 crossing the road. Most of them are old people and children. Old people are often killed because they usually can't see 3 hear very4 . Children are killed because they are careless. They 5 to look and listen 6 they cross the road.

  A car, a truck or a bus can't stop 7 . If the vehicle (車輛) is going very fast, it will travel many metres before it 8 . Persons 9 in the street don't always understand this. They think a car can stop with 10 metres. The faster car is travelling 11 than it 12 to stop. It is 13 for a person to know 14 fast a car is travelling. He may think it is going 15 when it is going very fast.

  The only 16 way to cross the road is to look 17 directions, 18 . The 19 way to cross the road is to walk quickly. It is not good to run. If people run across the road, they 20 fall down.

。 ]1.A.Everyday    B.Every day    C.All day    D.One day

。 ]2.A.by       B.with       C.while     D.every time

 [ ]3.A.or       B.to       C.but      D.for

。 ]4.A.good      B.better     C.best     D.well

。 ]5.A.think     B.want      C.forget    D.remember

 [ ]6.A.in front of   B.before     C.after     D.be

 [ ]7.A.very fast    B.very quick   C.very quickly D.slowly

。 ]8.A.stops     B.starts     C.runs     D.goes

。 ]9.A.walk      B.walks      C.walking    D.walked

。 ]10.A.little     B.a little    C.few      D.a few

。 ]11.A.the long    B.the longer   C.longest    D.the longest

 [ ]12.A.costs     B.spends      C.takes     D.uses

。 ]13.A.difficult   B.easy      C.useless    D.carefully

 [ ]14.A.what     B.why       C.whose     D.how

。 ]15.A.fast     B.slow      C.slowly    D.away

 [ ]16.A.save     B.safe      C.safety    D.saving

。 ]17.A.each     B.all       C.both     D.one

。 ]18.A.again and again                 B.at the same time

     C.right and left                 D.up and down

 [ ]19.A.correct    B.wrong      C.long     D.short

。 ]20.A.must      B.have to      C.can     D.may

六、用所給動詞的適當形式填空 (10分)

。 ]1.Please give Tom the dictionary if he ______ (come) back.

 [ ]2.I ______ (call) him twice just now, but he ______

    (be not) there.

。 ]3.He couldn't remember whether he ______ (leave) his

    wallet at home.

 [ ]4.Father told me that the earth ______ (move) around the sun.

。 ]5.When I saw the picture, I couldn't help ______

    (think) of my hometown.

。 ]6.The doctor ______ (operate) on a young man this time


 [ ]7.How much ______ you ______ (pay) for each of these

    pictures last time?

。 ]8.The whole city ______ (destroy) during the war.

。 ]9.He never ______ (refuse) to help his comrades.

。 ]10.Hale ______ (hang) by the British Army.

七、句型轉換 (15分)


  1.Mary is not good at English. I'm not good at English, either.

   (用neither ... nor組句)


  2.My sister seems very happy.(用It seems句型)


  3.We study maths, physics, chemistry and some other subjects at



  4.Does Mary work in that hospital? Will you tell me?



  5.The two girls went to the post office. They wanted to buy some

   wonderful stamps.(用動詞不定式把兩個句子合成一個簡單句)


  6.Jane was too tired to go on reading.(改成復合句)


  7.He always comes to school on time.(改成否定句)


  8.You have visited the Science Museum.(改為反意疑問句)


  9.The girl likes the piano. She doesn't like the piano.



  10.She studies hard. She also sings well.(用not only ... but also句型)


八、完成下列各句 (15分)

  1.Your test papers __________________________(必須馬上交上來)。

  2.He runs so fast ____________________________(沒人能跟上他)。

  3.Jenny ______________________________(花很少時間學英語)。

  4.We didn't know _______________________(他是否要在會上發(fā)言)。


   is to study hard.

  6.______________________________(我未趕上末班火車)last week.

  7.Our teacher will give us a talk on_____________________________


  8.I wonder ____________________(你是否能用這些單詞造個句子)。

  9.I'll give Mary the letter _________________________(我一見到她)。

  10.Please remember _________________________(明天按時來這里)。