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    “的辦學(xué)精神! 它可能會提醒你的Kanye West的歌曲,或無數(shù)美國青少年的電視劇,但它確實是在美國大學(xué)校園里突出。學(xué)生愛校,他們參加,他們從來沒有羞于展示自己的驕傲,2013-07-08-udel.jpg無論是參加體育賽事,自己在學(xué)校的顏色從書店配套服務(wù),或把你的筆記本電腦上的一個標志貼紙,他們各方面涉及到自己的這種精神。經(jīng)常舉辦比賽或贈品,鼓勵學(xué)校的驕傲,它創(chuàng)建了一個偉大的社區(qū)和身份感和關(guān)閉校園。發(fā)現(xiàn)其他人在你的學(xué)校的齒輪,當你出門在外,是有趣的,而且也沒有像得到折扣或免費的東西從當?shù)仄髽I(yè),當他們看到你是從當?shù)卮髮W(xué)。







    可大了關(guān)于大學(xué)校園的地方。它們可以是小的地方,也。但考慮到美 ——國的大學(xué)生活的本質(zhì),往往不是它們包含幾乎所有的學(xué)生可能需要一天到一天的生活,我可能會說,大學(xué)生活比在英國獨立略少。2013-07-08-IMG_5545.JPG原因,這真的很重要來了解城鎮(zhèn)或城市,你的大學(xué)英寸查找校外最好的地方掛出,得到食物或有樂趣。無論是標題到河里的魚,或地鐵市中心參加一場文化盛會,許多城鎮(zhèn)提供了很多,可以去被忽視的大學(xué)生,所以它重要盡可能擁抱校外社區(qū)上-校園之一。


    已經(jīng)飛行至少3000英里,從英國到美國,它不會傷害做多一點的旅行。美國是一個豐富 ——的國家有不同的文化,氣候和美食。生活變化即使在個別國家,縣與縣之間,而這樣的國家的大小,旅游可以是相對便宜和容易的,如果它的計劃提前。


    無論是坐公車到紐約度周末,火車加拿大秋季休息,或道路跳閘到佛羅里達春假,如果可行的話,這一點很重要,你看到一些更多的面積。根據(jù)目的地和時間成本你可以在你的書,如JetBlue航空公司西南航空公司飛少$ 29每路。Megabus的灰狗巴士提供一個較長的,但更便宜的出行方式,Amtrak火車是一個偉大的方式看到了國家和海岸到海岸小于飛行。這些連接也再次派上用場,無論是分裂的成本與其他學(xué)生或租用車輛,與美國的朋友,誰擁有自己的汽車行駛。高校往往會推出免費運輸或周末公交出行,尤其是國際學(xué)生,所以太留意。



    Studying abroad in the United States is a marvellous opportunity. Those lucky enough to have already done it will have encounters and stories to last a lifetime, whilst those about to embark on their own journey will be overcome with an adventurous sense of excitement and anticipation. Having spent the past academic year at Maryland's Washington College, I aim to share some of the things I learned during my time in America that will help you get the most of your time studying abroad.

    1. Embrace The School Spirit

    "School spirit." It might remind you of a Kanye West song, or countless U.S teen dramas, but it really is prominent on American college campuses. Students love the school that they attend, and they're never too shy to show their pride. 2013-07-08-udel.jpgWhether it's attending sporting events, kitting yourself out in school colours from the bookstore, or putting a logo sticker on your laptop, they're all ways to involve yourself in that spirit. Competitions or giveaways are often held to encourage school pride, and it creates a great sense of community and identity both on and off campus. Spotting other people in your school's gear when you're out and about is fun, and there's nothing like getting discount or free stuff from local businesses when they see you're from the local college.

    2. Get Involved on Campus

    U.S schools are hotbeds for extra-curricular activity. You could be writing for campus publications, playing intramural or varsity sport, joining one of the music groups, travelling to Model UN conferences, joining the wake-boarding club, and so much more. Every university offers something different, and the length and breadth of opportunities outside of the classroom are vast and will greatly enhance your time abroad. It's a great way to make friends and mix with people who hold the same interests from all over the world. Have a look at a few of the clubs that might interest you before you go, and get in touch before you even leave England. I got to play on Washington's football team, and as well as meeting some of the best people in my life, I got to travel around multiple states playing the sport I love.

    3. Make Connections

    From the day you arrive to the day you leave, you'll be making new connections with new people from across the globe. Typically, the international students will arrive a week before the rest of campus in order to get settled. During the sometimes-frantic orientation requirements of the first week, take a moment to get to know those people from all corners of the world who you'll be spending the next academic year with. It's a wonderfully unifying reason that brings you all together in the first place, and all being in the same boat as a new student in a new country gives you a great starting point for conversation. Within a week, you'll have made friends from every continent, forming friendships which reach far beyond the 9 months you'll spend at college together.

    Naturally, you'll meet Americans through classes and dorm life, and these friendships will prove to be just as valuable. Who better to take you home for Thanksgiving or show you around the major cities than an American who knows them like the back of their hand- Class field trips and school excursions also provide great links for future internships and job opportunities, and the professors who you work with may be able to help you with dissertation research long after you've left the campus behind. Make no mistake about it, networking is one of the most valuable things that a year abroad offers, and taking full advantage of it will pay off.

    4. Get Out and About

    College campuses can be big places. They can be small places, too. But given the nature of American college life, more often than not they contain nearly everything that students might need in their day-to-day life, and I would probably say that university life is slightly less independent than here in the UK. 2013-07-08-IMG_5545.JPGFor that reason, it's really important to get to know the town or city that your university is in. Find the best places off-campus to hang out, to get food or to have fun. Whether it's heading down to the river to fish, or taking the subway downtown to attend a cultural event, many towns offer a lot that can go unnoticed by college students, so it's important to embrace the off-campus community as much as the on-campus one.

    5. Travel, Travel, Travel.

    Having already flown at least 3,000 miles from the UK to get to America, it wouldn't hurt to do a little more travelling. America is a country rich with different cultures, climates and cuisines. Even within individual states, life varies from county to county, and such is the country's size that travelling can be relatively cheap and easy if it's planned in advance.


    Whether it's taking the bus to New York for the weekend, getting the train up to Canada for Fall Break, or road-tripping down to Florida for Spring Break, if feasible it's important that you see some more of the area. Depending on destination and the time at which you book, flying with airlines such as JetBlue or Southwest can cost you as little as each way. MegaBus and Greyhound buses offer a longer but cheaper way to travel, and Amtrak trains are a great way to see the country and go coast-to-coast for less than flying. Those connections also come in handy again, whether it be splitting the cost of hiring a vehicle with other students or travelling with American friends who own a car. Colleges will often put on free transport or weekend bus trips, especially for international students, so keep an eye on that too.

    Heading abroad can naturally be a daunting prospect, but it needn't be. Board the plane with an open mind and arrive fully prepared, ready to embrace all of the things that come your way. More likely than not, your time in the United States will be educational, more than memorable, eye-opening, and will present you with some of the finest opportunities you'll ever encounter. Wherever you are going, have a great time!












