

英語(yǔ)教案-The summer holidays

時(shí)間:2021-09-29 17:18:21 高中英語(yǔ)教案 我要投稿

英語(yǔ)教案-The summer holidays

1. The students should master the following important vocabulary:

英語(yǔ)教案-The summer holidays

introduce, practice, vacation, employ, regards, expression, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, go away, in ones opinion, general idea, go on doing, as a result

2. The students should know the meaning of the following useful expressions and besides that they should know how to use them in their daily life.

(1) I must be off now./ I must be leaving. / I must go now.

(2) Nice to meet you. / Nice meeting you.

(3) Ill introduce you ( to my friends ).

(4) Give ones regards / best wishes / love to sb.

(5) Thats nice/ kind of you.

(6) See you soon. / See you later. / See you tomorrow.

2. The students must grasp the following sentence structure.

(1) So + be/ have/ 助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+ 主語(yǔ)

(2) prefer的用法

Its ones turn to do sth.


The students are supposed to talk about their summer holidays with the beginning of introducing themselves. Then they can make a survey to get to know what they all have done in the holiday in the form of group ( which contains 4-6 students).

This lesson is the first lesson of the new term. And the most important point is that it is the first time that the students have met each other. So this is a good chance to get to know each other by introducing themselves. Meanwhile, the teacher can also get to know the students ability to speak English. The teacher may teach the students how to greet and how to let others know you. Also, the students must have a lot of different experiences during the long summer holiday. Therefore, it is a good chance for them to understand what they each do during the holiday. The teacher can ask the students some general questions about their summer holidays. Such as, Did you enjoy your summer holidays? What did you do during your summer holidays? Where did you go in the holidays? Then the students can have group work or pair work---- they exchange their ideas about their summer holidays. The students ( in the form of group )can make a survey about their experiences. And then each group may choose one group leader to give the whole class a report about their groups summer holidays. The group leader may introduce it by using the third person. For example:

Mary went to Shanghai during the summer holidays. She went to many places of great interests, such as …… She thought the most interesting part in her summer holidays was ……

The survey is based on the questions of Part Two of the first lesson. The students can also ask some other questions if like. Or the teacher may ask the students to bring some photos that they took in the summer holidays and them show the photos to other students and explain what the photos were about. The teacher may set an example to the students first by showing her/his photos to the students and them the students may know what they are supposed to do.

After the introduction the students may play a game--- who can recall the other students names and the student who can name the most students names is the winner.


1.區(qū)別Nice to meet you 和 Nice meeting you



Nice to meet you用的是一個(gè)不定式。而不定式的作用是表示將要做的事情,所以這個(gè)詞組常常在剛一見(jiàn)面時(shí)說(shuō)。

Nice meeting you用了一個(gè)現(xiàn)在分詞在此表示完成的動(dòng)作,所以它常常用在談話(huà)結(jié)束時(shí)或分手之前。同樣我們也可以說(shuō):

剛見(jiàn)面: 分手前:

Nice to talk with you. Nice talking with you.

Glad to have you here. Glad having you here.

2。So+ be/ have/ 助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+主語(yǔ) 與so+ 主語(yǔ)+ be/ have/助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)



Example: So+ be/ have/ 助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+主語(yǔ)

(1)--- He is a good student.

---- So is my brother Bob. (我弟弟Bob也是一個(gè)好學(xué)生)

(2) ----She lives in Shanghai. ----So do I . (我也住在上海)

(3)---They have done the work ----So has she. (她也已經(jīng)做了)

(4)---John can sing songs very well.

--- So can I . (我也能唱的很好)

(5)--- She went to the party yesterday.

---- So did Mike. (Mike昨天也去了)

Example : so + 主語(yǔ)+ be/ have/助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞

---I think she is a good student.

--- So she is. (是的,她是個(gè)好學(xué)生)

She always studies very hard and helps others with their homework.

(1) --- I guess the book must be borrowe by John.

--- So it must. (是的,那書(shū)肯定是被John借走的) I remember that he came to you yesterday and took the book away from you.

(2) --- She did the job successfully.

--- So she did. 是的,她的確做地很成功)And she was praised by the others in her company.

如果表示某種情況也同樣不適用于另外一個(gè)人或物, 要用“Neither / Nor + be/ have / 助動(dòng)詞 / 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 + 主語(yǔ)” 這個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu)。


(1) --- He has never been to Beijing.--- Neither / Nor have I . 我也沒(méi)有去過(guò))

I really wish to go there some day in future.

(2) --- I cant swim across the wide river.--- Neither / Nor can my sister. (我妹妹也不能)

3.辨析too much & much too

too much + uncountable noun

much too + adj. / adv


There was too much rain last year, as a result, the farmers could have a good harvest.

The coat is much too expensive. I cant afford to buy it.


Teaching Plan for Lesson One

Step 1 Lead in questions

Introduce yourself to the class by saying Hello everyone. Im very happy to be your new English teacher this term. Do you like English? I am sure that we can become good friends and I will try my best to help you speak English well. Do you want to speak English as well as the native speakers? So you must study hard and do what I will tell you to do. Now Id love to introduce myself to you so that we can become friends very quickly. My name is ……and it is really nice to see you. Now I would love you to introduce yourselves to us. In your introduction you have to tell us what your name is and what middle school you come from and then tell us what you are interested in or what you are good at. (The students can do this task one by one in a very short time.)

Step 2. Listen to the dialogue

Do you want to make new friends when you come to a new school?

Suppose you and a classmate of yours meet at the school gate for the first time at the beginning of the new term. But you dont know each other. So you will have a talk with each other in order to go to the classroom together. And maybe you and her/him will become very good friends later on.

Ask the students to listen to a dialogue that happens in such a case in order that they can know what they should say for the first time two people meet.

The students should find out the answers to some questions that the teacher shows them:

(1) Were Bill and Harry at the same school last year? ( No)

(2) Did Harry know Bob? ( Yes )

(3) How do you know it? ( They were in the same class )

Step 3. Listen to the second dialogue

Ask two students to come to the front of the class. Get to know their names by asking What is your name ? Then the teacher will point to these two students and speak to the whole class, I am very glad to introduce you my new friends. This is Mary and this is John. The students are then supposed to ask these two students some questions to get more information about them. Then let the students listen to the second dialogue which teaches the students how to make an introduction.

Step 4. Practice

The students are supposed to do group work---- four students make a group and each of them give a brief introduction about themselves. After they get to know each other they are supposed to ask and answer some questions about their summer vacation. The teacher may set an example----the teacher may let the students to then ask them some questions about her/ his summer holidays. The questions can be:

What did you do during your summer holidays?

Did you enjoy your summer holidays?

Where did you go and who went with you ?

Then the teacher may answer these questions and put the above questions on the blackboard for the students. Then it is the students ‘ turn to practise.

The teacher may give the students five minutes for this task. The students are supposed to make a survey----every group chooses a leader who may write down all the answers and then in the end the group leader is asked to give a talk about the group members’ summer holidays.

“Mary stayed at home the whole summer holidays because she had to look after her mother. John went to some places of great interests and he enjoyed his summer holidays. Mike ┅┅”

Step 5. Useful expressions

Step 6. Practice

The students are supposed to do an exercise of their work books. P 57 Exercises 2 & 3

Step 7. Homework

Finish the exercise of workbook.

Review the new text.

Teaching  Plan  for  Lesson  Two

Step 1.  Lead--in  questions

    Ask the students a question “ Do you have a pen friend who lives in America?” Then show  them the envelop of a letter which is written in American style. Tell the students that your pen  friend writes you a letter about his summer holiday in America. Get the students to read the letter for some  information.

Step 2. Reading ( 1 )

Before reading  the  letter  the students are supposed to know what questions they will  be asked after reading.So the students are asked to read the letter as quickly as possible.Questions:

(1)  Where  does  the  writer ( Charlie ) spend  his  summer  vacation ?

(2)  What  does  he  have  to  do  in  order  help  his   father ?

(3)  How  many  different  time  areas  are  there  in  the  USA ?

Step 2. Reading ( 2)

For the second time the students are supposed to do reading comprehension exercises after  reading for details.

(1) What  does  “ result “  mean  in  paragraph  2 ?

A  Answer B  Fact  of  something 

C  That  which  is  produced  by  a  cause D  Questions

(2)   When  is  the  time  of  the  rice  harvest  in  Charlie’s  homeland?

A  March B  August   C  November   D  September

(3)  What  do  people  usually  do  at  the  party  on  most  Saturday    evenings?

A They  dance B  They  cook  meat  on  an  open  fire

C  They  cook  meat  in  their  house  D  They  sing

(4)  What  does  Charlie  tell  Xiaojun  in  the  letter?

A  What  he  is  busy  doing   B   Their  Saturday  parties.

C  Their  rice  harvest  and  vegetable  gardens

D  His  life  in  the  summer  vacation  and  answers  to  Xiaojun’s  questions.

(5)  Which  part  of  the  USA  does  Charlie  live  in ?

A  in  the  east  B  in  the  south   C in  the  west   D  in  the  north

(6)  In  which  season  do  they  have  little  rain ?

A  winter   B  summer  C  autumn   D  spring

(7)  Why  doesn’t  Charlie  drink  beer  at  the  party?

A  he  dislikes  it.  B  he’s  too  young  to  have  it.

C  it  does  no  good  to  him. 

D  he  has  to  drive  home  after  the  party.

(8)  When  it  is  one  o’clock  in  the  morning  of  the  New  Year’s 

day  in  Beijing,  what  is  the  time  and  date  in  the  state  which 

Charlie  lives  in ?

A  11 o’clock  in  the  morning  of  December  31

B  1 o’clock  in  the  morning  of  December  31

C  8 o’ clock  in  the  evening  of  December   31

D  11  o’clock  in  the  evening  of  December  31

(9)  When  did  Charlie  write  the  letter?

A  in  the  morning  B  in  the  evening  C  in  the  afternoon   D  at  noon

(10)  What  do  you  think of  Charlie?

A  he is  well  but  tired

B  he  is  a  nice  and  hard—working boy

C  he  is  a  farm  boy  

D  he  is  a  driver  on  the  farm

Key: 1 C  2  B  3  B  4  D  5  B  6 B  7 D  8 A  9 B   10 B

Step 3.  Retelling  the  text

   The  students  are  supposed  to  retell  the  letter  based  on  some  important  key  words.  They  can  begin  their  retelling  with  the  sentence--- Charlie  is  helping  his  Dad  on  the  farm.  It  is  summer  in  his  hometown…….

     Key  words  for  retelling :  from  dawn  until  dark,  by  the  lights  of  the  tractors,  grow  rice  in  the  south,  grow  wheat  in  the  north,  take  care  of  the  vegetable  garden,  party,  cook  meat  on  an  open  fire,  have  to  drive  home,  five  different  time  areas.

     The  students  can  pratise  retelling  the  letter  in  pairs  then  they  can  show  their  retelling  in  front  of  the  class.

Step 5.  Language  points

Step 6.  Teach  the  students  how  to  write  letters  to  a  foreigner

   There  are  five  parts  in  a  letter. 

    (1) heading  信頭   (2) salutation 稱(chēng)呼  (3) body 正文  (4) complimentary close  謙稱(chēng)和結(jié)束語(yǔ)  (5) signature  簽名

Dear Bob, (稱(chēng)呼)

Thank  you  for  your letter.

( head )


Beijing  No 1   Middle School

Beijing, China

May  28,  2002  



Yours  sincerely,

Chenlei ( 簽名)

Show  the  students  how  to  write  a  letter  to  a  foreigner. And  they

are  supposed  to  write  a  letter  to  Charlie  telling  him  your  school

life  or  something  they  like.

Step 7.  Homework

    Finish  writing  the  letter  and  then  finish  the  exercises  on their workbook. P 58  Exercise 3

Step 1. Revision

Ask the students to do an exercise in order to review some of the new words they learnt or used in the previous text. ( workbook P 59 Exercise 2. Fill in the blank with one word. The first letter of each word is given to help the students. )

First let the students do it by themselves then check the answers in pairs. At last the teacher checks their answers)

Step 2. presentation ( language study )

Ask the students “ What questions do you usually ask when you want to get to know a person for the first time you meet ?” ( collect their suggestions and then write them on the blackboard.)

(1) What is your name?

(2) Where do you come from?

(3) What class( grade ) are you in ?

(4) How many people are there in your family ?

Then the teacher may help them get more questions in order to get to know a new friend:

(5) Where did you go during the summer holidays ?

(6) What did you do in the summer holidays ?

(7) Did you see any new ( interesting ) films ?

(8) Did you read ( buy any new books?

The teacher may just gives the students the key words, such as “ books, films, and the question words ( what, where, how, and the more the better. The teacher may let the students form new questions by the given key words.)

Step 3. Oral practice ( pair-- work )

The students are supposed to ask and answer the above questions They can also talk about their plan for the next Sunday Then the students are supposed to say something about their partners to the whole class.

Step 4. Listen to the dialogue and then act it out.

Ask the students to listen to the dialogue. They are supposed to find out how to show others your love or best wishes when two people are having a talk with each other.

The useful expressions: Sb. sends his best wishes ( to you ).

Then the students are supposed to make up a similar dialogue and they can also use the useful expressions they learnt the day before. So three or four students form a group to make up the dialogue.

Introduce them some new expressions with the same meaning:

( the third part of Lesson 3 )

(1) Give my love to your sister ( family, brother……)

(2) Send my regards to your mother. ( parents )

Step 5. Language study

(1) When they use “Send my love to sb.” they must use it for family members or their very close friends.

(2) When they use “ Send my best wishes (regards) to sb.” they can use it freely but not for very intimate people.

(3) Usually when we can use the present continuous tense for future time. Although this tense is not a syllabus item, it is extremely common in English.

For example: What are you doing tomorrow? (It means what will you do tomorrow? )

Step 6. Doing exercise

The students are supposed to do the exercises on page 59 of their workbook . ( Exercise 1 & 3) They can do the exercises individually and then check the answers together.

Step 7. Homework

The students are supposed to do an oral report about what his / her partner did during the summer holidays.

Step 1. Revision

The students are asked to show their report to the whole class.

Step 2. Preparation for listening

Do the third exercise on page 127 of their workbook in order to review some useful expressions they may use every day.

Step 3. Listening ( workbook page 127)

(1) Ask the students to read the instructions first in order to know what they will hear after a while.

(2) After listening let the students check their answers in pairs then with the whole class. The students may listen to the tape for twice.

(3) Exercise 1 : Practise listening for specific words. ( names)

Exercise 2. Practise listening for specific information.

Step 4. Word study

Ask the students some questions about their subjects they have this term. For example:

(1) How may subjects do you have this term?

(2) What subjects do you like best? Why ?

(3) Which one are you good at?

Teach the students to pronounce these words correctly.

Step 5. Practice

The students are supposed to do pair work. Talk about the subjects they have just practise pronouncing. Their dialogue may based on the key words of the second part of Lesson Four.

Step 6. Writing

Sb Lesson 4. Part 3---- The students are supposed to write a passage about their summer holiday in the form of a letter to their good friends who are not at their school. After writing they can exchange their compositions with their partners and then help each other correct some of the mistakes.

Step 7. Homework

The students are supposed to finish the Workbook exercises on page 60. ( exercise 1.2 &3)



Talk with new classmates

The students are supposed to have a talk with each other in order to get to know their new classmates. They are expected to talk about what they have done during the long summer holidays and their interests and hobbies and so on. The teacher may show the students some pictures to show what she has done in the holiday.The students may ask some questions according to the pictures. The questions they may ask are:

1. Did you stay at home or go to some places to visit?

2. Where did you do during the summer holiday?

3. Who went there with you ?

4. What did you do there?

5. How did you go there?

6. Did you enjoy yourself?

英語(yǔ)教案-The summer holidays