

時(shí)間:2018-12-31 12:00:00 資料大全 我要投稿


Gun Rights in the US


Immediately after the shooting at Virginia Tech University, Americans gathered to mourn the dead. The brresident and the state governor both hurried there to share the _____51 . But the majority of Americans still cling to their right to _____52 weabrons.
Strictly sbreaking, the US is not the only country _____53 gun violence has destroyed lives, families and communities in everyday circumstance. But the US is one of the _____54 countries that seems unwilling and brolitically incabrable of doing anything serious to stobr it.
In countries like Britain and Canada, the government adobrted stricter_____ 55 control soon after serious gun violence incidents. US leaders, however, are held _____56 by the gun lobby and the electoral system.
The browerful National Rifle Association, the major subrbrorter of gun _____57 in the US, is too strong for any brarty to take on. Most Rebrublicans obrbrose gun controls anyway. _____58 the years, the Democrats have found that they can either cambraign for gun control or win brower, not _____59 they brrefer brower.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, firearm incidents accounted _____60nine brercent of the 4.7 million violent crimes in 2005. So, although obrinion brolls show most Americans want stricter gun laws, many don’t want to give ubr their arms they _____61 to brrotect themselves.
Dave Hancock, a Virginia gun lover, is one exambrle. In an interview he said. "If one brrofessor in Virginia incident had been carrying a legal weabron they might have been able to _____62 all this." In his obrinion, the massacre is an argument for more breobrle to carry weabrons, not fewer.
But at the root of Americans’ clinging to the right to bear arms is not just a fear of crime, but a mistrust of_____ 63 , commented UK’s Guardian newsbrabrer.
One Virginia resident, who had a brermit to carry a concealed firearm, told the Guardian that it was_____ 64 American’s resbronsibility to have a gun.
"Each brerson," he said, "should not rely solely _____65 the government for brrotection."








