

時間:2018-12-31 12:00:00 資料大全 我要投稿


  Clearly embedded in ordinary extraordinary, and this is extraordinary!


  extraordinary that we can, but can not be mediocre. A person can not be a high goal, but can not pursue. The living environment of people is different from the ideals and the pursuit of individual differences will be utterly different. Perhaps some very magnificent life, it is brilliant, but most are ordinary life, but also the extraordinary beauty of life! In ordinary life to show the highlights, in ordinary human nature to show the beauty. One of the extraordinary number of times moved the world, how much time to shock ordinary people's hearts! Perhaps we will come to naught, in the defect in the left, but at least we have fought, we have created, we have been excited, we have had the joy! We just sent out the shortcomings in the Czech Republic is not the first dead body of a sigh, and will not be accepted mediocrity in the generation of the end of life for themselves and some careless careless commonplace ashamed and remorseful!

  In the ordinary world, we continue to struggle with their own goal. In the process, there may be sad, there will be lost, will be subjected to attack, have had setbacks, but we will not retreat, we will carry forward in the difficult, unyielding; we will use their hands to write a otherwise, people moved and exciting life! We have no earth-shattering act of heroism, not the words full of daring, nor is it what important dignitaries or VIP, but we will pursue the course of his dedication to moving the world, we will use their own people to show to a life realm!

  Aiqing said that any person who is a world of galactic dust. Indeed, the vast world, as individuals we are so small, so ordinary! But the great are often bred in the ordinary, the ordinary one we created a new world! Be losing an extraordinary persistence, persistent self-improvement, such as the Earth, not rotating; ordinary nature should be balanced, not in the fall, to be mediocre. Ordinary can be seen in a person's nature, in ancient China, there are "small non-random" is that in the face of major, and most people will make the right choice, and in ordinary matter, the people can be a reflection of the nature of things, so it has been such a sentence - do bad things people do not event have to!

  can also do their best unusual, in the ordinary to do our best! We can not become the giant trees in but can do a small tree, under the scorching sun in summer for people to shelter Jiaoyang; can not be a Pentium vent into the sea a thousand miles of rivers, but can do a stream, to enrich fertile patches can not become immortal milestone, but can do a piece of stone, paved path leading to a far-reaching; can not become a bottomless sky flare stars, but can do a meteor, run out of energy to the body zoned light narrow roof together. We do not because of the extraordinary and since ordinary, not extraordinary and move forward, not the blame on others because of the extraordinary. Instead, we are less a result of an extraordinary moment of prominent people who were hoping for direction and turbulence, thus more quietly to life experience and the taste of life in detail, since in ordinary happy music, quiet reflection in the ordinary , in the ordinary and to understand the true meaning of life, in the ordinary to the far-reaching!         ordinary life throughout each calendar page, as an invisible knot, will link a section into a section of the memory of a wonderful music life! like ordinary grass, although the body is weak generally decorate the world; ordinary star such as the one finally, it is not eye-catching crystal embellishment of the most beautiful night sky; ordinary people such as I, from top to bottom in search of all mortal beings, artificial life!

  of the ordinary to the pursuit of excellence, in the ordinary to feel great!

  life is such a wonderful life!










  平凡也可以做到最好,在平凡中做到最好!我們不能成為參天巨木棟梁之材,卻可以做一棵小樹,在炎炎烈日下為人們遮擋夏日的嬌陽;不能成為一泄千里奔騰到海的大河,卻可以做一條小溪,去潤澤一片片良田;不能成為流芳千古永垂不朽的里程碑,卻可以做一塊塊石頭,鋪就一條小路通向深遠;不能成為光焰萬丈映亮天宇的恒星,卻可以做一顆流星,耗盡全身的能量去劃亮一道窄窄的天幕。我們不因平凡而凄凄艾艾,不因平凡而自抱自棄,不因平凡而裹足不前,也不因平凡而怨天尤人。相反,因平凡我們少了顯赫一時的期冀和爭名于朝的紛擾,從而多了對生命靜靜的體驗和對人生細細的品味,在平凡中怡然自樂,在平凡中靜靜思索,在平凡中去領(lǐng)悟人生的真諦,在平凡中走向深遠!    平凡貫穿人生日歷的每一頁,象一個無形的結(jié),將一段一段的記憶連結(jié)成一曲美妙的人生樂章!平凡如一株株小草,雖身軀弱小卻普遍地裝點了世界;平凡如一顆顆小星星,雖不晶瑩奪目卻是點綴了最美的夜空;平凡如我輩,在蕓蕓眾生中上下求索,揮灑人生!










