
教案 PEP5 Unit 6 A. Let's learn

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教案 PEP5 Unit 6 A. Let's learn

PEP5 Unit 6 A Let’s learn Xinxing Experimental Primary School Chen Yan 1. Teaching Aims: 1)  To grasp the four-skill words : lake, river , flower , grass , path , forest .Learn to say the word “sky, cloud , mountain” and “ nature park”. 2) Learn to say the sentence: There is …There are… 2)  To enjoy the beautiful of nature and protect the environment . 2. Teaching contents: 1)  Four skill words: flower, river, grass, lake, forest, path. 2)  Three skill words: sky, cloud, mountain, nature park 3)  Using the new words in the sentence pattern: There is/are…in the nature park.   3. Teaching aid: card, a drum , CAI 4. Teaching procedures: Step1. Warming-up 1) Greetings. 2) A song: The Panda 3)Read some sentences have the sounds“sl , gr, ou, ow fl ,fr ”and prepare for the new words leaning. 3)Describe the room using the sentence patterns: What’s the room like? There is/are… in the room. T: Today is a beautiful day. This is a picture of my room. What can you see? What’s the room like? S1: There is a picture on the wall. S2: There is a bed , two chairs and a picture. (Introduce the picture of a nature park and prepare for the new words learning) Step2.Teach the phrase“nature park” 1)  T: This is a picture of a nature park. It a beautiful picture. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. Under the big blue sky there is a forest. There are high mountains. There is a lake , many flowers and grass in the nature park. 2)  Show a video of a nature park. Teacher describe the scenery.(Show the new words in the video) 3)  T:Now let us go into the nature park. 4)  Teach the phrases “nature park’’ 5)  Teacher show the familiar words: “name picture car art” etc.  Let the students pronounce the new words. 6)  Practice reading in group then check. Step 4: Teach the new words: cloud sky   T: Let’s go to the nature park. Look what’s the nature park like? What’s the nature park like? (Show CAI )   What’s this? Can you read it out? 1) Use (cloudy clean mouse house bed loud) (skirt  my  fly  cry) to help the students to pronounce the new words. 2) Ask the students to try to read in groups then check the students pronunciations. 3) Teacher correct the students pronunciations. 4) Practice reading the new words in sentences. There are many white clouds in the blue sky. Step 5 Teach the new word“ flower” T: What can you see under the blue sky?    I can see many “…” Ss: Flower . T: Flowers.  (Do the action water the flowers)   1) Show CAI “ now  how” stress the “ow” sound. 2) Let the students spell the word with their fingers. 3)Let the students to read the words in sentence. There are many flowers in the nature park. Step 6 Teach the new word “grass” 1)  T: What can you see in the nature park?(show CAI grass) What’s this? 2)  Show some words that have the sound “ gr” (grapes  great ) 3)  Show some words that have the sound “ ass” (class  glass class ) 4)  Lead the students try to pronounce the new word “ grass” by themselves. 5)  Check some students’ pronunciation and learn the spelling of the new words. 6)  Practice reading the new words in sentences: There is much grass in the nature park.  Pretty Goat  is in the  grass. Step 7 Teach the new word “river” 1)  Use CAI show the sound of water” Let’s the students guess. T: Guess what is the sound?  Ss: Water. T: Where does the water come from?(Show the picture of a river in the forest) 2) Show the words that have the sound “ er” (driver ,beaver)   Show the words that have the sound “ i” (rice, it, is) 3)Let’s the students pronounce the new words by themselves. Check their pronunciation. 4) To learn the spelling and practice reading the word in sentence. There are many fish in the river. 5)Show some famous rivers in China. Teach the phrases   T: There are many rivers in China.(Show They are YangtseRive,Yellow River,Pearl River ,Xinxing  River. Step 8  Go over the new words in a chant.(TPR)  T: Are you tire? Let’s do some exercises. (Let’s the students listen to the chant first. Teacher does the actions. Then ask the whole class clap their hands while reading the chant. Step 9 Teach the new word “ forest” 1)  Show a short video introduce new word. 2)  Show the words that have the sound “or”( pork for) 3) Show the words that have the sound “st” ( first best ) 4)  Let the students pronounce the words by themselves. 5)  Check the pronunciation and learn the spelling . 6)  Practice reading the new words in sentence: There are many green trees in the forest. Let’s walk through the forest. Step 10 Teach the new word “path” T: We walk through the forest . We walk on the “…” 1) Show the picture of a path and show the words that have the sound “ ath” (math  bath  bathroom )   2) Let the students pronounce the words by themselves. 3)Check the pronunciation and learn the spelling . 4)Practice reading the new words in sentence.    There is a path in the nature park. Step 10 Teach the new word “ lake” T: We walk through the forest . We walk on the path. Then we come to a “…” What’s this? 1)  Show the picture of a lake. 2)  Show the words that have the sound of “ ake”( cake make ) 3)  Let the students pronounce the words by themselves. Check the pronunciation and learn the spelling . 4)Practice reading the new words in sentence and phrases.   There is a lake in the nature park. West  Lake West Lake is beautiful in summer. Step 11 Teach the new word “mountain” in the same way. Step 12  Let’s do   Let the students go over the new words that they have learnt . Lake , lake boating on the lake. Forest , forest  go to the forest. Path ,path run on the path. Mountain, mountain, climb the mountain. 5. Consolidation 1)  Exercises   a) Listen and number the pictures in textbook. b)Translate the Chinese into English.(Let the students come to the  blackboard and write down the answers) 2)  Free talk (Hand out some pictures and let the students describe the pictures in group. )    eg: What’s in the pictures?    What can you see?  Is there a lake/forest/mountain/grass?   Are there any flowers/cloud/paths…? 3) A game. “Find the word”( a drum , a stick, some new words cards)  Teacher beat the drum in purpose . Students listen to the beat. And choose the correct word. If the student choose the correct word , his /her group will get a point. 6. Sum up  Know the scenery of a nature park. Treasure the scenery, protect the environment and protect our earth. 7. Homework Draw a nature park . Using “There be …”sentence pattern to decribe your  nature park. 8. Blackboard works: Unit Six  In A Nature Park There is a…. There are…..  cloud sky flower river grass  forest path lake mountain  

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