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Lesson1  Where’s the Library 教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1. 知識目標(biāo):能聽、說、讀、寫單詞classroom, gym, library,  能表演本科對話Where’s the gym? 2. 能力目標(biāo):能用Where’s the……進行問路。 3. 情感目標(biāo):通過學(xué)習(xí)有關(guān)校園設(shè)施,激發(fā)學(xué)生熱愛學(xué)校的情感。通過對話的學(xué)習(xí),使學(xué)生更加懂禮貌,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生助人為樂的品質(zhì)。 教學(xué)重難點: 本課單詞和對話。 教具學(xué)具:卡片,錄音機以及磁帶。 教學(xué)過程: Step1. Greeting. “Welcome to school, Hello, boys and girls!” 放完暑假剛剛回到學(xué)校,那么學(xué)生對去年一年學(xué)過的知識都有些淡忘,那么新課導(dǎo)入可以相互問候的方式來復(fù)習(xí)先前學(xué)過關(guān)于問候的知識,然后可以用聊天的方式聊到暑期都做了些什么,可以復(fù)習(xí)一下第二冊書中學(xué)過的關(guān)于食物,動作,游戲系列的短語,最后可以采用Where are you going in holiday?引出一些地點名詞來導(dǎo)入新課Where’s the……句型。 Step2. Revision. Say to the students“How are you?”“Nice to meet you.”“How do you feel today”等學(xué)過的問候語,提示學(xué)生回答。 Ask “What did you do in the holiday?”來復(fù)習(xí)第二冊書中學(xué)過的關(guān)于食物,動作,游戲系列的單詞和短語。Then ask “Where did you go this holiday?” Step3. Presentation. 1.The teacher says “This holiday I went to the gym. I play ping-pong in the gym. What’s the gym? I can show you.” Show the picture. 2.Spell and read “gym”, Then stick it on the wall in the classroom. 3.Teacher says “Jenny went to  the library to read a book.” Show the picture of library.  Spell and read “l(fā)ibrary”, Then stick it on the wall in the classroom. 4. The teacher says “Where are you, my students?” to teach “classroom”. Step4. Practice. 1.Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.Game. “Guess the word” The teacher says “I can play ping-pong. Where is it?” So point to and says “gym”. Step5.Presentation. 1.Teacher shows picture “Danny” and says “He wants to read a book, but he doesn’t know where the library is.”. Let Danny and teacher show the dialogue. “Where is the library?” 2.Write the dialogue on the blackboard,read a few times. 3.The teacher explains “Excuse me , thanks”. Step6. Practice. 1.Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.Do the pair work and play in the role. Step6.練習(xí) 板書設(shè)計: Lesson1 Where’s the Library? gym  D: Excuse me. Where’s the Library? library  T: I can show you. Here it is. classroom  D: Thanks. T: You’re welcome. 課后反思: Lesson2 : Turn Right, Turn left   教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1.知識目標(biāo):掌握本課重點概念:  office  stairs Turn right,turn left,go straight,go up the stairs 2.能力目標(biāo):使學(xué)生能夠熟練地運用“Where are you going? To the……” 3.情感目標(biāo):感知英語的實用性,增強學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣。 教學(xué)重難點: 1.重要概念Turn right,turn left,go straight,go up the stairs 2.學(xué)生能夠熟練地運用“Where are you going? To the……” 教具、學(xué)具: 1.本課圖片. 2.錄音機及磁帶 3.單詞卡片 教學(xué)過程 1.Greeting 2. Review Ask and answer用以復(fù)習(xí)Lesson1: T: Where is the gym/library/……? S: 可以用漢語回答,以便引出新知識: Turn right, turn left, go straight, go up the stairs 3.New Concepts: Part1: Using the map of school,point out “office” and “stairs” as you and the students say the words a few times.then teach the structure “where are you going? To the……”Model the dialogue with a volunteer.For example: T:please walk to the door.(indicate your meaning with gestures if necessary) S:(walk to the door) T: Where are you going? S: To the…… Listen to part 1 once then answer these questions: a: Where is the teacher going? b: Where is Jenny going? Listen to part 1 again and students try to follow it. Part2: Act out “turn right,turn left,go straight,go up the stairs”say the words with the students a few times as you do the actions. 其中課上讓學(xué)生們起立,通過剛剛講授過的短語來讓讓老師發(fā)口令,同學(xué)們配合做動作向左轉(zhuǎn)向右轉(zhuǎn),然后可以由同學(xué)來發(fā)口令,讓學(xué)生做動作。由于四年級孩子的年齡特點,讓他們做肢體動作很容易提起他們的積極性,在玩中學(xué),是孩子學(xué)習(xí)事半功倍的一種好方法。 Write the words on the blackboard as you and the students say them a few times. Listen to part 2 again and students try to follow it. 4.Practice:Listen and do. 5.作業(yè):  對話練習(xí). 板書設(shè)計:  Lesson2 :Turn Right Turn Left Where are you going? To the office …… Where is the office?   Turn right…… 課后反思: Lesson3: Bicycles 教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1、  知識目標(biāo):掌握本課重點概念: bicycle, tire,seat,wheel,chain,bell near,far from 2.能力目標(biāo):使學(xué)生能夠熟練運用本課對話。 3.情感目標(biāo):培養(yǎng)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣。 教學(xué)重難點:創(chuàng)編對話 教具、學(xué)具: 1. bicycle,near,far的圖片. 2.錄音機及磁帶 3.單詞卡片 教學(xué)過程: 1.Greetings 2.Demonstrate: Part1: Show a picture of “bicycle”.Explain that most English speakers shorten this word to “bike”. Hold up the large picture of the bicycle ,teach the name of each part and students say them a few times. Drill the students on the new vocabulary as you point to the bicycle and its parts. Listen to part 1 and students try to follow it. Play a game: What’s missing? Part2: The seat is (near) the bell.  The chain is( far from )the bell.(通過自行車部件的演示使學(xué)生理解near ,far from的含義。)  Listen to the part2 and follow it.   Part3:   Play the tape as students follow in their books.discuss the questions: a:Where does LiMing want to go? b:Is the library far or near?  Listen to part 3 again and students try to follow it. 3.Practice:Place an object close to or far from another object.Ask “Is the……near or far from the……?”   4.Homework:創(chuàng)編對話 板書設(shè)計: Lesson3:Bicycles Bicycle的簡筆畫 far   near   課后反思: Lesson 4  Cars and Trucks. 教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1.能聽、碩、讀、寫單詞car,  truck,  bus,  cab. 2.能夠聽懂并學(xué)唱歌曲 教學(xué)重難點: 1.能聽、碩、讀、寫單詞car,  truck,  bus,  cab并能在實際生活中運用。 2.學(xué)唱歌曲。 教具學(xué)具:some pictures,  audiotape,  puppet, model, CAI. 教學(xué)過程: Class Opening and Review 1. Greeting 2. Review “bicycle, near, far ” T: (出示課件) What’s this? Ss: It’s a bicycle.  T: What can you see on the picture? Ss: I can see a house.  T: Yeah! The bicycle is ?   the house. Ss: The bicycle is near the house.  T: (出示課件) The bicycle is ? from the house. Ss: The bicycle is far from the house. New Concepts Bus, car, cab, truck 1. Demonstrate T: (出示課件)The school is  ? from our house. Ss: Far. T: Yes! The school is far from our house. We’re tired to go to school by bicycle. So let’s take a  .   (Show the picture of “bus”) Look. This is a bus. Bus. Read after me ,please.   Ss: Bus, bus. T: (板書“bus”)Let’s take a bus.   Ss: Let’s take a bus. (在句型“Let’s take a ___.” 中操練所學(xué)單詞,做到“詞不離句,句不離詞”,避免學(xué)生孤立的學(xué)習(xí)單詞。) Use the same method to teach “car cab and truck”. Note:Ⅰ. Explain the complete word for “cab’ is “taxicab. Ⅱ. Pay attention to “car” and “cab”. They’re similar to each other. 2. Game: Hide it! (Do it with toy car, toy cab, toy bus and toy truck.) T: I’ll choose a student go out the classroom, then I hide the car, Then the student come back to find the car. The other students can say “near” or “far” to help him find the car. Do you ununderstand? 3. Game: Lucky Man! T: (出示課件) Look! There are many teddy bears, some of them have questions, if you can choose them out and answer them correctly, your team will get one car. Are you clear?   Ss: Yes. T: Ok! Now let’s begin.(Team One and team Two)   More drill. (Let’s take a _____.) T: (出示課件) Look at the pictures carefully, and choose out the correct vehicle. Can you? 4. Listen to the tape and follow. Song “The Wheels on the Bus” 1.Show a model of bus to teach “wheel, wipers, horn”. 2.Use the actions of the baby to teach the action “around and around”, “swish and swich”, “beep and beep”. “up and down”, “waa waa waa”, “shh shh shh” 3.Look at the CAI and listen and do. 4.Read the song. 5.Sing with CAI. 6.Sing the song with the actions. Homework: Make a model(模型) of your favourite car. 板書設(shè)計: Lesson4 : Cars and Trucks  










