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Lesson 9 The doctor’s advice 美食固然誘人,但有的人貪食,也有的人厭食。怎么樣合理飲食,我們來看看醫(yī)生的建議。通過這一課的學習,使學生懂得怎樣健康飲食。學習句型:  The doctor gave them some advice. He can eat /drink...  He can’t eat/drink...掌握單詞和短語:worried  thin and weak  the doctor’s  sweats  hot  healthy 本課我們要接觸到動詞的過去時態(tài),要學生初步了解這種時態(tài)的構成及意義。學習字母 u 在重讀開音節(jié)中的讀音規(guī)則。 教學目的 : 1.會說會用這些句子:  The doctor gave them some advice.  He can  drink milk every day.  He can’t eat many sweets. 2.會說會用會寫這些單詞:    worried  thin and weak  the doctor’s  sweats  hot  healthy 3. 初步了解這種時態(tài)的構成及意義。 4.了解字母u 在重讀開音節(jié)中的讀音規(guī)則。 課前準備: 1.教師準備一張健康飲食的飲食計劃 。 2.準備worried  thin and weak  the doctor’s  sweats  hot  healthy 的單詞卡片和圖片。 3.準備一個瘦子和一個健康小伙子兩個手偶。 4. 錄音機及錄音帶; 教學過程: 1. 熱身(Warming up) 老師用一個瘦子和其朋友這兩個手偶對話引出本課話題: ( A:一個朋友  B:一個瘦子) A:You look thin and weak. What’s the matter?   B:Nothing serious.I just don’t feel like to eat. A:Why?   B:I don’t feel hungry. A:You’d better go to the doctor’s. The doctor can give you some advice.   B:OK. 2. 新課展示(New Presentation)  1)Jack is thin and weak.His mother is worried.    thin and weak又瘦又弱。  thin瘦的,和fat 為反義詞。weak弱的,和 strong為反義詞。   這兩個形容詞要用其反義詞對比學習。   老師找出班上一個又高又胖的同學,指示他的身高,對著他/她說: You are tall. You look tall.   然后讓全班同學一起說   Xx is tall. He/She looks tall.   指示他的胖胖的身體,對著他/她說: You are fat. You look  fat.   然后讓全班同學一起說   Xx is  fat. He/She looks  fat. 老師找出班上 又瘦又矮的同學,只是這他的瘦瘦的身體,對著他說: You are thin. You look thin. 然后讓全班同學一起說   Xx is thin. He/She looks thin.    指示著他的矮個,對著他說: You are  short. You look  short.   然后讓全班同學一起說   Xx is short. He/She looks short.   老師展示一位虛弱的病人的圖片,虛弱的老人的圖片,讓學生理解單詞weak的意思。   老師再畫一胖一瘦一對兄妹,哥哥又高又胖,妹妹又矮又瘦。老師引導學生一起描述他們:   Billy is fat but his sister is thin. Billy is tall but his sister is short. Billy is strong but  his sister is weak. 2) His mother is worried. be/feel worried 擔心,憂愁 be worried about 為 …擔憂。  比如:Don’t be worried about me .I can make it.別為我擔心,我能搞定。 Mum is worried about his health.媽媽為他的身體擔心。 3)They went to the doctor’s. went-go去。 went是 go的過去式。讓學生初步了解過去時態(tài):英語中要陳述過去的事情時,動詞要用其過去式,稱之為動詞的過去時態(tài)。而經(jīng)常性的行為才用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)。 如:I go to school  every day. I went to school yesterday. 我每天去學校是日常行為,用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)。而我昨天去學校就是過去的行為,用一般過去時態(tài)。 Mother often goes to the greengrocer’s. She went there this morning.她今早去菜市場已經(jīng)是過去的事了,就要用一般過去時態(tài)。 the doctor’s 醫(yī)院,診所。 the hospital or the clinic    go to the doctor’s 去看病。 這是一種用名詞所有格形式表示某人的家、店、診所等現(xiàn)象。  如:my uncle’s 我叔叔家 Mir Smith’s 斯密斯先生家/的店 The barbar’s 理發(fā)店 說說句子,讓學生理解、運用: I don’t feel well today. I’m going to the doctor’s.我今天感到難受,我打算去看醫(yī)生。 4)The doctor gave them some advice.    gave-give 給。 gave 是 give 的過去式。  Dad gave me a birthday gift that day.It was lovely. And my uncle gave me a nice gift ,too. advice 不可數(shù)名詞,建議的意思。注意這個單詞的重音在第二個音節(jié)。第二個音節(jié)為重讀開音節(jié),i讀長音/  /。字母組合ce讀/  /。 give sb.some advice給某人一些建議。  follow one’s advice聽從某人的建議。 I’ll give you some advice on the game. Would you follow it?我給你一些玩這個游戲的建議,你愿不愿意照著玩? 5) He can’t eat too many sweats. He can’t eat hot food. Then he will be healthy.  sweat形容詞,甜得。名詞,糖果。   hot熱的,辣的。 hot food 辛辣食物。如:Sichuan food is very hot.  health名詞,身體,健康。 heath-y形容詞,健康的。 healthy life, healthy food 3. 鞏固活動:   小組活動:把學生分成4-6人的小組,每組選一個同學當醫(yī)生,其他同學一個一個去看醫(yī)生。醫(yī)生要視他們個人的身體情況給他們一些飲食方面的建議。老師可以預先規(guī)定一些必用的句型和詞匯,要求學生在活動中盡量多用。小組活動完之后,可以每組選一對同學在班上表演。  建議運用的句型和詞匯:   thin and weak  fat and strong   be worried   go to the doctor’s   give sb. Good advice You can eat/drink…. You can’t eat/drink…. 4.聽錄音學習對話: Let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1)Why is Mrs King worried ?    ( Because her son is thin and weak..) 2)Where did they go? (They went to the doctor’s. )  3)Did the doctor give them any advice?  (Yes,he did.) 5.語音學習: 復習字母u在重讀閉音節(jié)中,也就是以輔音結尾的音節(jié)中讀 /  /的現(xiàn)象,如:bus  cup  duck  u在重讀開音節(jié)中,也就是以元音結尾的音節(jié)中, 讀長音 /  /,如:  puple  student  excuse 讀讀下面的單詞: tube  use  huge stupid   Lesson 10 Would you like to go outside with me?   如果你想建議別人干什么,你怎么說呢? 如果別人很客氣的建議你干什么,你又怎么答復呢?學習句型:Would you like to go outside with me? That’s a good idea.I’d like to,but I must do the house work.學會這些詞語:parents drawer string find go outside 教學目的 : 1.會說會用這些句子: Would you like to go outside with me? That’s a good idea. I’d like to,but I must do the house work. 2.會說會用會寫這些單詞:   parents drawer string find go outside 課前準備: 1.根據(jù)課文內容,教師準備一個課件。課件中的對話內容如下面句型詞匯中所建議。 2:準備parents drawer string find go outside的單詞卡片。 3.準備一些戶外運動的圖片  如:游泳,放風箏,踢足球,打乒乓,跳繩,打籃球,打排球,劃船,爬山等。再準備一些活動類圖片和一些空白卡片。   4. 準備倆個手偶,一個是媽媽,一個是女兒。 教學過程: 2. 熱身(Warming up)   老師用手偶進行對話介紹本課主要內容。B是媽媽, A是女兒。  A:It’s sunny today.Mum,would you like to go outside and  play with me?   B:I’d like to,but I must do the housework now. A:Would you like to talk with me?   B:That’s a good idea. 2. 新課展示(New Presentation)  播放課件,熟悉課文主要內容。   (Today is Saturday.It’s sunny and windy.Tom doesn’t need to go to school.He gets up early.He wants to go outside to play with his parents.)放著這段錄音,畫面上的湯姆早上起來,看看日歷是星期六,再看看外面的天氣,先跑過去找媽媽:   Tom:Mum,I want to fly a kite.I need some string.   Mum:It’s in the string.Can you find it?   Tom:Yes. Can you go outside and play with me?   Mum:I’d like to,but I must do the house work.  湯姆再跑去找爸爸。 Tom:Dad,Would you like to fly a kite with me? Dad:That’s a good idea.   Tom:Mum,please join us.We can help you do the housework.   Mum:That’s great.  1)  go outside 出去。 outside表示位置的副詞,在外面,與 inside相反 可以這樣用: go/play outside be outside come/go inside  be inside I’m waiting for you outside.我在外面等你.  Look outside the window.朝窗外看。  2)parent父或母的任意一方 parents父母雙方 I live with my parents in the new flat. Mir Smith often comes back to see his old parents in the village. Alice went to England with her parents. 3)Where can I find a string? It’s in the drawer.  find 動詞,找到,注重于找的結果。 look for 尋找,注重于找的過程。 比如:I look for my pen in my bag,but can’t find it. The students find some new words in the text. You can find the grass under the tree. The old man can’t find his cat. 4) string線 注意/s/ 后面的清輔音/tr/ 要發(fā)生濁化現(xiàn)象,讀成相對的濁輔音/  /.字母組合ing讀/  / 。 a long/short string




人教PEP版五年級英語下冊Unit 6單元教案08-25






