

時間:2023-05-01 08:23:12 生活口語 我要投稿
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    Can masks help stop flu spread?口罩對阻止流感傳播有幫助嗎?

  By Nick Triggle Health reporter, BBC News 醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生記者,BBC新聞


  One of the abiding images of the swine flu outbreak is the pictures from Mexico of people wandering the streets wearing masks.  豬流感爆發(fā)后來自墨西哥一個常見的畫面是人們戴著口罩在街上漫步。

  And as the disease has spread from country to country, reports have emerged of people purchasing all sorts of products on the internet.當(dāng)疫病向各國蔓延時,網(wǎng)絡(luò)上也開始出現(xiàn)人們搶購各種防護用品的消息。

  But while the scramble is understandable, experts are sceptical about just how useful they are. 但是,盡管這種搶購可以理解,專家們還是不能肯定這些用品的效用。

  Professor John Oxford, a virologist at leading London hospital, The Barts and the London, said: "Really, there is very little evidence that masks actually offer much protection against flu.

  來自倫敦最一流的醫(yī)院The Barts and the London的病毒專家John Oxford教授說:“確實沒有什么根據(jù)可以證實口罩對于防范流感能提供多少 實際的保護!

  "I think handing them out to the public as has happened in Mexico just destroys confidence."


  Health staff

  It is these sorts of issues that has prompted officials from groups such as the World Health Organization and England\'s Health Protection Agency to steer clear of calling for them for general public use.



  While Mexico has handed them out to members of the public, most other countries, including the UK, are just reserving them for health staff. 盡管墨西哥向公眾發(fā)放了口罩,但大多數(shù)國家包括英國僅限于向醫(yī)護人員發(fā)放口罩。

  Others, such as Belgium, have bought some for flu patients, while several, including Spain, have handed them out to passengers on planes returning from affected areas.


  It is believed there are enough masks for half the NHS workforce, but officials are already in discussion with suppliers about ordering another 30m to help cope if a pandemic develops.

  Health workers have been told to wear them, along with special gloves, if they are in contact with potential victims.




  “ The problem is that when someone sneezes they tend to take a mask off. I think masks give people a false sense of security ” Dr Ronald Cutler, of the University of London

 “問題是有人打噴嚏時往往會摘下口罩。我認(rèn)為口罩給人一種虛假的安全感,”倫敦大學(xué)的Ronald Cutler博士說。

  Professor Oxford believes this approach is right.

  "They are the people who will be most likely to be coming into contact with the virus and the ones who could be passing it on."

  The Department of Health has focused on getting what are known as respirator masks. These have filters, which stop a person breathing in some particles in the air.

  They are much more effective than the standard surgical masks or dust masks that are sometimes used by builders.

  However, none of the masks can stop 100% of the particles getting through and become less effective once they become moist.

  Instead, they are better at stopping the virus getting out.

  Oxford 教授認(rèn)為戴口罩這種方法是正確的







  Dr Ronald Cutler, deputy director of biomedical science at the University of London, said: "If you sneeze with a mask the virus will be contained so from that point of view if everyone wore them it might stop the spread.


  倫敦大學(xué)生物醫(yī)學(xué)系副主任Ronald Cutler博士說:“如果你戴著口罩打噴嚏,病毒就被阻截在口罩里,因此,從這一點看,任何人戴口罩都可以阻止病毒傳播。

  "Or you could get the people with flu wearing them, but by the time they are diagnosed it could be too late.  “或許你可以讓流感患者戴口罩,但是等他們已確認(rèn)為流感時就已為時過遲。

  "And the problem is that when someone sneezes they tend to take a mask off. I think masks give people a false sense of security. “問題是有人打噴嚏時往往會拉下口罩,我認(rèn)為口罩給人以一種虛假的安全感。

  "They are not bio-chemical suits. Masks are obviously just covering one part of the body so your hands and clothes could all have the virus on and when you take them off you will infect yourself.


  "However, because people are wearing a mask they will think they are protected and may go into crowded areas.  “可是,因為人們戴了口罩,所以認(rèn)為自己已受到保護,就可能出入于人群聚焦區(qū)域。

  "The best advice is to wash your hands and cover your mouth when sneezing." “最好的辦法是洗手,打噴嚏時用手捂住嘴!

  Glamorgan University expert Gail Lusardi agreed. 。ㄓ└窭Ωご髮W(xué)專家Gail Lusardi同意這一點。

  "Masks alone will not prevent spread of the influenza virus and basic hygiene measures like hand washing, safe use and disposal of tissues and cleaning of environmental surfaces are key to preventing infection transmission."

  She also said it was important they were correctly fitted - some of the more expensive respirator masks are molded to fit the face unlike standard masks that can be bought on the high street.

  And she added: "A mask can be worn continuously for up to eight to 10 hours, but must be replaced if it is taken off at any stage."















