


時間:2021-10-30 14:25:05 中學英語 我要投稿


     On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clarke locked the door and went to the women's club as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time___1___an old woman who lived ___2___.

       When she came home she sensed something___3___. Had someone got in? The back door and the windows were all___4___and there was no___5___of forced entry (進入). Had___6___been taken? She went from room to room, ___7___, and found her camera and spare watch___8___.


       The following Thursday she went out at her___9___time, but didn't go to the club. ___10___, she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home, ___11___herself in through the back door. She settled down to wait and see what would___12___.

        It was 4 o'clock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs Clarke was___13___tea at the time. The bell rang again, and___14___she heard her letter-box being pushed open. ___15___the kettle (壺) of boiling water, she moved quietly___16___the door. A ___17 ___of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a___18___. The wire turned and caught around the knob(圓形旋鈕) on the door-lock. Mrs Clarke raised the kettle and ___19___the water over the hand. ___20___was heard outside as the ___21___fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was___22___by the sound of running feet.

        It wasn't long___23___the police caught the thief. And Mrs Clarke was greatly ___24___at the club for her successful___25___.

  1. A. by               B. to       C. with             D. for

  2. A. lonely             B. alone       C. away            D. busily

  3. A. terrible           B. uncomfortable     C. unusual          D. bad

  4. A. locked            B. opened      C. broken           D. fixed

  5. A. scene             B. show       C. sign           D. sight

  6. A. anything         B. nothing      C. money         D. jewels

  7. A. looking            B. examining     C. searching      D. checking

  8. A. losing          B. missing      C. leaving       D. disappearing

  9. A. same            B. spare       C. special          D. usual

  10. A. Therefore         B. However      C. In stead        D. Again

  11. A. pushing          B. letting      C. pulling         D. leading

  12. A. appear           B. follow       C. happen           D. continue

  13. A. cooking           B. making      C. burning          D. serving

  14. A. the next moment B. for a while      C. in time          D. at once

  15. A. Putting down      B. Laying aside    C. Picking up        D. Taking away

  16. A. towards           B. away from     C. from behind     D. near

  17. A. pile               B. set       C. lot              D. piece

  18. A. knife            B. hand       C. letter           D. key

  19. A. spread           B. dropped      C. poured          D. covered

  20. A. A sad voice      B. A strange noise  C. A warning shout D. A sharp cry

  21. A. key              B. kettle      C. door-lock         D. wire

  22. A. followed           B. caused      C. produced        D. ended

  23. A. before           B. since       C. until             D. when

  24. A. surprised         B. admired       C. inspired         D. supported

  25. A. self-satisfaction   B. self-protection     C. self-respect        D. self-service

  1-5DBCAC  6-10ADBDC  11-15BCBAC  16-20ADBCD  21-25DAABB

  一天,獨居的Mrs Clarke回到家,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)東西被偷了,可又沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)強迫入室的痕跡。怎么回事?她后來又怎么做的呢?賊被抓到了嗎?又怎么抓到的呢?

  題號 答案 考查內(nèi)容

  解題依據(jù) 解題分析

  1 D 詞義比較 for表示"對于……來說",指對象和用途;to表示"對……,朝……",僅指對象;with通常表示伴隨意義;by表示方式意義。句意:對于一個獨居的老婦人來說這是一種打發(fā)時間的愉快方法。

  2 B 常識運用


  詞匯用法 Mrs Clarke如果事務繁忙(busily)就無法去婦女俱樂部,她也不可能在很遠(away)的地方,這樣不方便。后文她的日;顒臃从吵鼍嚯x不遠。lonely"孤獨的"為形容詞,不能修飾動詞lived。從后文可以得出,她是獨自(alone)一個人住著。

  3 C 常識運用


  詞義比較 從后面一句"Had someone got in?",可知她回家后覺得情況反常(unusual),至于壞事(bad)、不舒服的(uncomfortable)事或可怕的(terrible)事都是情況反常的情況之一,太具體。

  4 A 常識運用

  邏輯推理 后門和窗戶還都完好地鎖著(locked),看來沒人撬(broken ,opened)過門窗。fixed修理,安裝,與文意不符。通讀全文,知道小偷是用電線將門拴拉開偷了東西又將門鎖上。

  5 C 詞義比較 scene場面,景色,布景;show表示, 展覽,外觀;sight視覺, 視域, 眼界;sign標記,蹤跡,跡象。句意:沒有跡象表明有人強行進入過房子。

  6 A 詞匯用法比較 Mrs Clarke并不知道丟了什么東西(anything)沒有,因此才有后一句的"一個房間一個房間地核查"。 mo